This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Change custom field from one module to another

I have a situation where I have a custom field (myfield) that was initially defined in Module 1. Some fields have been created with it. That field is now defined in Module 2 instead (i.e. Module 1 no longer defines or does anything with that field).

The problem I'm having is that, despite everything about the field being exactly the same, I can't uninstall Module 1 because it thinks there are fields that require it. If I create a new field of type myfield, it correctly assumes it is part of Module 2.


Hi Guys, 
I'm using xmlrpc_encode_request() this method in Drupal 7 and now I migrated my site to Drupal 9 and I want to use this method. How to use the same ? 
I'm using like this: 

Get defaultValue For a Media Library Entity in Drupal 10

I'm upgrading my theme and I use a combination of Paragraphs module and an Image Field. Previously, I had a function to get the default image. $field_name is the `field_image`:

  $field_definition = $variables['paragraph']->getFieldDefinition($field_name);
$uuid = $field_definition->getSetting('default_image')['uuid'];
$files = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('file')->loadByProperties(['uuid' => $uuid]);
if (count($files)) {
$file = reset($files);
return $file;

How to add placeholder text via twig template


I like to add a placeholder "Enter your name" to the "Your Name" text field of the feedback form using a twig template. 

Below worked for the email field. 

File Name: input--email.html.twig
Directory: themes/mytheme/templates/form

Address module

I've been working with address module (Version: 8.x-1.12) and I've been able to figure out how to override subdivisions based off of the example ( of adding the UK counties using GreatBritainEventSubscriberas a guide.

create content on registration (html files)

Hello everybody!

I need some inspiration/advice on which way to go further.

Site: a free site for shrinks. In return I want members to paste an iframe on their personal site (SEO-shizzles, you know)

Target : (authenticated) member has a personal iframe available (content includes their name and the link links to their personal page (view) on my site)

EDIT: Sorry if this is a simple question, I've been out of Drupal since D7 !!


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