This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

How to manually trigger replacing bigpipe snippets with content? (javascript)

I am using jQuery.smoothState.js for Drupal 9 page transitions. 

When transitioning to a new page, jQuery.smoothState.js updates the content div with new content and the <title></title> element (in <head>) with a new page title. This new content has bigpipe snippets that are not resolved to their respective contents: 

#ajax Form API to do two things

This part of my custom form depends on ajax to conditionally show additional fields. It is working.

[help] Checking if the Min Max field in an exposed view exist.

Hey guys,

I've been having trouble accessing certain fields in an exposed filter.

I have a content type where I insert 3 prices for different types of products.
Some products will have all 3 prices added some just 2 or 1.

All prices are entered based on one currency (EURO).
However, Using twig I have to display one of the prices in $USD, lets call it price 3.

reading Json String


I have this sample data and this is just a part of data but it is swagger which is a JSON.

a:14:{s:7:"swagger";s:3:"2.0";s:4:"info";a:6:{s:10:"x-ibm-name";s:22:"test-summary";s:5:"title";s:28:"test Summaries for test";s:7:"version";s:5:"1.0.0";s:11:"description";s:84:"Account Information, retrieve account test and statuses for the test.";s:7:"contact";a:2:

This data is extracted as string on the variable "apiSwagger"

$apiSwagger = $apiNode->api_swagger->value;

After using a delete all nodes API, ONLY the values of the author column are displayed

Using Drupal 10:

Is this way below (to delete all content for a content type) reliable (instead of using the loadMultiple method)?

->condition('type', "mycontenttype")

Update field settings' value upon form submission!

Created a custom webform product module that includes a composite field for stock settings. After submitting the form, what is the proper way to update the stock value in the backend?


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