This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Moderation Queue and revisions - leave last approved revision visible

I have a website configured were users in "publishers" role can create/edit content and "editors" can approve it for display. If a "publisher" edits a node, a new revision is automatically made and the node is unpublished and placed back in the moderation queue for "editors" to approve.

The problem is when a vistor to the website tries to view a node that was once approved in the past, but has since been edited and moved back to the moderation queue they see the ACCESS DENIED screen.

Problem with S_SESSION

I'm creating a new module.
In a part of my newmodule.module I have a array that I have to sent to a file php.

For this reason I do in newmodule.module:

$b is the array generated for my module.

What is the code in file php for capture $_SESSION['array']?

I do a simple file php for view the result of the recovery of $_SESSION['array'] but it is empty.
The code of file php is:

Views problem after RC3 and Views upgrade for displaying custom nodes


I thought I had Views figured out but then I upgraded to RC3 and upgrade the Views module along with it. Now my Views which used to work just give me a "Page not found" error. I did update the database for the Views module and I did enable views_ui which wasn't around with the version I was using. I think that this is all fine and a simple view I created does work (using Node filters etc.).

I have a custom node type which has a field containing a uid, its the id of a user who had to approve something. I want to list all the nodes where the current user is the person who approved them. I have been through this before but I can't figure it out. I read the documentation and I think I am doing it correctly although its clear I am not).

Here is my code:

function fhsstadmin_views_tables() {
$tables['fhsstadmin_mediation'] = array(
"name" => "fhsstadmin_mediation",
"join" => array(
"left" => array(
"table" => "node",
"field" => "nid"
"right" => array(
"field" => "nid"
"fields" => array(
"mediatoruid" => array(
'name' => "Mediator ID",
'sortable' => true,
'mediatoruid' => "mediatoruid",
'addlfields' => array("mediatoruid")
"evaluid" => array(
'name' => "Mediator Eval ID",
'sortable' => true,
'evaluid' => "evaluid",

"Blog this"

Hello all,

This may have already been discussed earlier. But I could not find any reference.

There will be three types of contents on my site-
a) News, b)Articles, and c) Blog

I would like to provide a link to all the news and stories- "blog this". Users can click this link and write a blog on the selected news/article.

Appreciate if you coould point me to something similar. Pointer to module, code or even a discussion will be helpful.


I can't view or edit nodes created by my module.

I know my module is putting the correct data into the table I have setup for it...I checked the mysql database and all the data I enter when creating a node with my module gets stored.
However, when I go to view or edit the node, I can't see any of the data in the fields.
Could someone please help me figure out what I need to do? I've tried to figure it out myself, but I didn't get any further.

Here is my module code:


* @file
* Enables users to submit space share tasks.

* Implementation of hook_help().
function sstask_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
return t('Enables the creation of spaceshare tasks.');
case 'node/add#sstask':
return t('Create a spaceshare task.');

* Implementation of hook_node_name().
function sstask_node_name($node) {
return t('spaceshare task');

* Implementation of hook_perm().
function sstask_perm() {
return array('create spaceshare tasks', 'edit own spaceshare tasks');

* Implementation of hook_access().
function sstask_access($op, $node) {
global $user;

if ($op == 'create') {
return user_access('create spaceshare tasks');

if ($op == 'update' || $op == 'delete') {
if (user_access('edit own spaceshare tasks') && ($user->uid == $node->uid)) {
return TRUE;

A list of 4.7 modules from CVS and those that need updates.

This is a list of modules from CVS that were determined to be compatible through either having updated FormsAPI and code newer than the beginning of this year or I tested them and they still worked such as many of the input_filter modules.
The modules that I found still referring to the old form_ calls I marked needs FormsAPI update, they may also need other updates. The modules with questionmarks appeared to be compatible but I wasn't able to test them.

I removed all of the modules that have 4.7 releases from this list but if you want to see the complete list goto my blog at

Actionfeed - needs FormsAPI update
AdminRSS - needs FormsAPI update
Affiliate - needs update Fatal error: Call to undefined function tablesort_pager()
Aggregator2 - updated for 4.7 gave header error
Ajax_Spellcheck - updated for 4.7 but currently broken
Amazon Items - needs FormsAPI update
Amazon Search - needs FormsAPI update
Announcement - works with 4.7
Arooga - needs FormsAPI update
Article - works with 4.7
asciimath - 4.7?
asterisk - Needs FormsAPI update
attached_node 4.7
attachment 4.7
audio 4.7
audioblog - needs Asterisk updated
automember - needs FormsAPI update
autotimezone - Fatal error: Call to undefined function throttle_status() in line 13
backport - for 4.6
banner - 4.7
bbcode_wysiwyg - 4.7
binder - needs update


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