I know my module is putting the correct data into the table I have setup for it...I checked the mysql database and all the data I enter when creating a node with my module gets stored.
However, when I go to view or edit the node, I can't see any of the data in the fields.
Could someone please help me figure out what I need to do? I've tried to figure it out myself, but I didn't get any further.
Here is my module code:
* @file
* Enables users to submit space share tasks.
* Implementation of hook_help().
function sstask_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
return t('Enables the creation of spaceshare tasks.');
case 'node/add#sstask':
return t('Create a spaceshare task.');
* Implementation of hook_node_name().
function sstask_node_name($node) {
return t('spaceshare task');
* Implementation of hook_perm().
function sstask_perm() {
return array('create spaceshare tasks', 'edit own spaceshare tasks');
* Implementation of hook_access().
function sstask_access($op, $node) {
global $user;
if ($op == 'create') {
return user_access('create spaceshare tasks');
if ($op == 'update' || $op == 'delete') {
if (user_access('edit own spaceshare tasks') && ($user->uid == $node->uid)) {
return TRUE;