This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

How to keep taxonomy changes in sync between two nodes

Hi! I'm creating a module which defines a 'minutes' content type. This can only be attached to an event in the calendar, and should inherit a bunch of information from the parent. In my version for 4.6, I didn't worry about the taxonomy information changing in the parent (partly because I didn't think about it, partly because I was writing custom view methods, which were able to join up with the parent). However, for 4.7, I'm trying to rethink how I did a bunch of stuff, and I'd like to start using Views in place of some custom view methods.

My question is this: what is the best way to keep up to date with changes in the taxonomy of the parent event?

Referer redirect page module


Is anyone aware of theme that will intersect click throughs from a specific domain, and allow me to present an informational page before displaying the requested Drupal page? This would be similar to the referer_theme module, but would have the additional "pop up" page.

Here's the sample workflow:

How fun!

Hiya all!

I just stumbled upon DutchPipe today, an Open Source Virtual World framework which looks like some real fun. I'll evaluate the code in while and see if this could be fiddled into Drupal using a "middleware-module" that ports over the DutchPipe stuff into Drupal powered sites. Could be quite some fun, but really needs a first look on the code, beforehand.

Anyone interested in joinging me turn this into a Module Project, ust let me know!

Random Pages Module, anyone interested, is it worth sharing?


I've knocked together a small module that will display random nodes in a block. The seed changes once per day and is based on the CRC's of the paths. i.e. each page should have different random links on it, and these links will be rotated once per day.

form_alter, body default value not set

i am trying to set a default value for the body textarea in /node/add/story, but i must understand something wrong. the title works fine...but no body default value is beeing set. any hints?

Weight for free tagging terms per node?

Please help.
Have developed a module like bookreview. It has authors that can be inputed using free tagging taxonomy vocabulary. The problem is that I don't want authors to be sorted by term weigths when displaying. I want to see them in such order as they were inputted. Any simple ideas?


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