This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Trouble uploading images, both with the IMAGE module and with FCKeditor

Hi there. I'm trying to put togeteher a drupal site. I got a website in pure html and spend a lot of time tuning it.
Drupal is cool, but it's giving me problems uploading pics. When I use the Upload Image, i get

warning: copy(files/images/temp/calipo_piscina.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:\Inetpub\webs\viruetecom\drupal-4.6.5\includes\ on line 288.

Problem with node_example module

I am beginer in Drupal trying to nderstand how to make modules.
I installed node_example module to look how it works. But it does not work in my case. I use Drupal 4.6.5.

1. When I ckick on 'create content' link in admin menu, I see new menu item 'example node' in submenu. But on the right side of this page this item is not added. It is strange.

hooks... please explain me hooks

I`ve already wrote some working code, but still cant understand how does those hooks work.
Now I stuck with form_alter - need to remove taxonomy select from node add form (adding term id later, on validate).

It worked, but now its not working again - dont remember what I changed.

$form comes to mymodule_form_alter with no $form['taxonomy'], so "$form['taxonomy']=array()" takes no effect - the select appears on the form.
I gues it is adding by the same form_alter somewhere in taxonomy module, UFTER CALLING MY HOOK.

Search not working when using Search API

Hello all.

I am using the search API to add content to a node when it is indexed. Specifically _nodeapi() with 'search index' as the $op.

I can see the the content is being added to the node by adding debug print statements to node.module and by looking in the search_index table in the DB. Both show that the extra content is being indexed.

However, when I search for this content I am getting no search results back. Despite searching for keywords the definately appear in the DB search_index table.

Is there something else I am missing?


Is module 4.7 compatible with drupal 4.65?

I am new to drupal but I have 4.65 installed. I am looking to integrate my first module and started off with TAC 4.7 but I seem to be having trouble with the installation. I placed the module in the module directory. I activated the module and I have given myself access but the page I get when I click on settings>>taxonomy_access is messed up.

"The module is currently disabled, but must also be disabled in the modules admin page in order for it to be properly disabled.
To properly enable this module, select 'enable' here and save the configuration.

Array "

Mass mailer and PHPList

I am having trouble figuring out what MassMailer adds to PHPList. Is it only an interface or is there some functionality there?

On a side note, this is typical of the problem I have reading Drupal documents. Components are labeled as doing WXYZ, but YZ is really done by another component, and it's never really clear who does X without reading the full documentation.


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