I've read the example module and I've read through converting the story node to a new node type.
What I still don't understand is how can I make my own node with various types of user input? I would like to have a page with a drop down menu, and a text area. The content of these will get sent to a db table when the user presses "submit".
Do I have to modify the "form" hook somehow to include these input types?
How do I get the username of the user who is currently accessing the site? I can't seem to find out how through the developers documentation on this site.
I need to be able to insert records of the user who is logged on into a database, so that they can retrieve only records belonging to them.
I'm quite new at this, so any help is most appreciated,
I am working on a module to create database stored "sites." In this context, I do not mean full Drupal sites (ie. site/site1, site/site2, etc). For the purposes of this module, a site is a taxonomy term in the "Sites" vocabulary, a nodequeue (to represent the front page), and a theme. All content owned by Site X, is tagged with the "Site X" term. Other sites can share this content, by tagging the node with their tag (e.g. "Site Y").
When a user requests http://www.example.com/dbsites/[site id, eg. 1]/node/123 the user would see the node with nid = 123 in the context of site 1's theme.
My goal is to have any $_GET['q'] string automatically translated for each site. To drupal and other modules, I want this translation to be transparent.