This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Netnews module and groups in ISO character set


I use netnews module with english usenet groups, and it works properly:

But it not works properly with groups in my natural speek - polish. Polish usenet groups have ISO-8859-2 character set and I can't change this by import news from usenet and export news from drupal to usenet:

how do i get user input?

I've read the example module and I've read through converting the story node to a new node type.
What I still don't understand is how can I make my own node with various types of user input? I would like to have a page with a drop down menu, and a text area. The content of these will get sent to a db table when the user presses "submit".
Do I have to modify the "form" hook somehow to include these input types?



Label / Titel

I am building a little webform module for drupal 4.7

i want my user to send product request.

All input fields work oke. But i want a label, or a titel between some of the input fields, to group them.


product 1: (label / titel)
Model code (input field)
Serial code (input field)

Product 2:
Model code (input field)
Serial code (input field)

Does any one know how to do this?

how do I get the username?

How do I get the username of the user who is currently accessing the site? I can't seem to find out how through the developers documentation on this site.
I need to be able to insert records of the user who is logged on into a database, so that they can retrieve only records belonging to them.

I'm quite new at this, so any help is most appreciated,


How does the Search module work exactly?

Is it just me or is the search module extremely lacking? It seems that it can't find anything. How does it work exactly?

Menu system vs. Custom URL Rewrite (WRT: caching, performance)


I am working on a module to create database stored "sites." In this context, I do not mean full Drupal sites (ie. site/site1, site/site2, etc). For the purposes of this module, a site is a taxonomy term in the "Sites" vocabulary, a nodequeue (to represent the front page), and a theme. All content owned by Site X, is tagged with the "Site X" term. Other sites can share this content, by tagging the node with their tag (e.g. "Site Y").

When a user requests[site id, eg. 1]/node/123 the user would see the node with nid = 123 in the context of site 1's theme.

If a user visited the user would see node 123 with the theme of site 2.

My goal is to have any $_GET['q'] string automatically translated for each site. To drupal and other modules, I want this translation to be transparent.


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