This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Event block borken, anyone seen this before?

I'm talking about this:

Note that the date begins and ends on April 21, but the event block displays this as April 22. I found if I back the start time to before 6PM on April 21 then the date correctly displays in the block. I don't have any idea how I can fix this...

Thanks for your help!


Worldpay.module Error

Does anyone know how to fix this problem:

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /home/writers/public_html/modules/ecommerce/contrib/worldpay/worldpay.module on line 113

I get it when I try to pay for something on my site. Can anyone tell me if they have ever got this moule to work on 4.6?

Thanks :)

flexinode download problem

Hi, I have tried downloading the flexinode module for 4.7 but the only thing in the archive is a license.txt file.

Is there a flexinode for 4.7 currently available?



is it possible for cck to have previous page and add a child page links like book.module?

i've installed cck from cvs. I made a node called "module review." how do i add 'previous page", "next page" and "add a child page" links to the node? Ideally I'd like to have "add a sibling page" link as well. This is functionality provided by the book module (except for the sibling page link). I looked at the pages in the handbook, 37767, 45050 but I don't know how to adapt them for cck. also, one of them says it only works for nodes promoted to front page, which I don't want.

hook_form annoyance...

I'm trying to develop a "page". On this page the user will see a task title, drop down menu, and task description text area.
So, at the moment I am using the hook_form.
However, at the top when I try to fill in my form I see "author information", "Options (published, in moderation queue, on front of page etc...)" and "user comments (disabled, read only etc.)
Also, it displays a "preview" button, when a task will not require a preview.

Multiple form functions

Im building my first form module on drupal 4.7

The user form is working fine. Now i want to create a admin form.

- User form is for logged user, to send feedback to admin
- Admin form is for settings.

I have two function to build forms.
function user_page(){


function admin_page(){


How can i link the two submit buttons of each form to a diffrend function?


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