This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Web typography, i18n (Czech and Smartypants)

Hello! When I decided to write the following, I hesitated for a moment: it is a forum topic, it is also an issue, and it could be a project.

The question I have relates to web typography. I have looked at the Smartypants module, which does some useful things. But what it does is directed mainly at content in English. So what about other languages? How could one internationalize Smartypants?

I am actually about to do harm to Smartypants and try to add some features that reflect the needs and requirements of Czech typography. It might work for me, but I am sure other languages have also typographic rules.

What do I mean by typographic rules? In Czech, for instance, a line should not end with single-letter conjunctions or prepositions.
So a line ending in " k"

is considered ugly. Other rules such as this one apply and are generally observed.

While Smartypants does something similar, it would be a rather cumbersome solution to put all sorts of options and rules in it for all sorts of languages. One would really need a way of making Smartypants recognize what is the language of the content (or parts thereof! - and this is a significant point: a node could have text in one, but also two or more languages, so something like a tag to mark the language of text would be great).

That's where I think the whole solution would need collaboration from the i18n module. So that Drupal multi-lingual webs could display the content in the right language and in the right (correct) way.

Pay for module

What would it cost to have someone develop me a module? I'm needing a module like (its a module for joomla) but with a few added features.

Why can't I view the nodes of this module?

I'm making my first node module, but when I fill in the fields and press "submit", I see no content created?
could someone look at my code and tell me if I'm doing something wrong?

Any help would be most appreciated!


* @file
* Enables users to submit space share tasks.

* Implementation of hook_help().
function sstask_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
return t('Enables the creation of spaceshare tasks.');
case 'node/add#sstask':
return t('Create a spaceshare task.');

* Implementation of hook_node_name().
function sstask_node_name($node) {
return t('spaceshare task');

* Implementation of hook_perm().
function sstask_perm() {
return array('create spaceshare tasks', 'edit own spaceshare tasks');

* Implementation of hook_access().
function sstask_access($op, $node) {
global $user;

if ($op == 'create') {
return user_access('create spaceshare tasks');

if ($op == 'update' || $op == 'delete') {
if (user_access('edit own spaceshare tasks') && ($user->uid == $node->uid)) {
return TRUE;

* Implementation of hook_menu().
function sstask_menu($may_cache) {
$items = array();

if ($may_cache) {
$items[] = array('path' => 'node/add/sstask', 'title' => t('spaceshare task'),'access' => user_access('create spaceshare tasks'));

module flexinode 4.7.0

The donwload file is empty, in the zip ther's only license txt file.

drupal 4.7 email to page

--> mobile, mailhandlers on planet drupal....

Installed 4.7 beta5 on tiger with php5 mysql5 apache2

blogapi module active, set for page.
setup my mobilephone to > flickr, and flickr to > blog - my drupal 4.7 (blogger api, endpoint: xmlrpc.php)
it does not show up on my drupal 4.7 page as set.
but i can moblog to other blogs via flickr.

is there NO mailhandler, email-to-blog-with attachment module for drupal 4.7 in 2006? or, what am i missing?

trying to build a bluetooth mobile public interface to a drupal 4.7 cms with mobile phone joystick navigation and image/text email-to-node functionality. also vodcasting planned as done in 2005 with drupal 4.6.5 on a debian php4 mysql4.

(Caps above only so the text stands out, not shouting.)
i had hoped drupal 4.7 modules would arrive on around the vancouver conference.

please advise if i made a mistake going with drupal 4.7. i dig drupal. i recommended it to my german colleagues at the media museum, however, they look funny at me now and wonder if this is gonna fly? where is the functionality. we hve a lot to build on top, and a lot of editorial underneath.

i start to worry about my choice of drupal 4.7 beta 5?
already 60 nodes on 'space art' up on my server, lots of tagging, profiles, content. worried about losing that IF i backtrack to drupal 4.6? and then with 4.6.6. what with php5 mysql5?

howto conversion rsvp's mail from UTF-8 to gb2312

We want to rsvp can send gb2312 character set mail.
for user_module, I can insert following command:
$mail =aractericonv('UTF-8','GB2312',$mail);

but for rsvp, I don't know how to conversion it? Please help me.


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