This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

hacking the image module

i've managed to make afew changes to the image module [i'm using 4.6] using a combination of patches posted here, but there's still afew things i'd like to do and i was wondering if anyone out there could help.

1. Change the image uploads folder on a regular basis but allow the previously uploaded images to stay where they are. so basically allow me to start new folders when the current images folder is becoming full up. i think that makes sense??

Displaying form items inline (no line breaks)

Been searching for hours... how in the heck do I display 3 select boxes all on the same line???
Here's my code:

$form1 .= form_select(t('AM#1'), 'am1', $ams->amid1, $options, null, 0, false, false); 
$form1 .= form_select(t('AM#2'), 'am2', $ams->amid2, $options, null, 0, false, false);
$form1 .= form_select(t('AM#3'), 'am3', $ams->amid3, $options, null, 0, false, false);

Before you say

Would i need a module for this?

I have some very long node titles and as such when using a book menu block to display the links, the block has to be ridiculously wide if i want to avoid wrapping text over 2 or 3 lines

If i wanted to add the option of a node link text (instead of using the actual node title for the link text), would i need a custom module for this?

so eg:

every node edit page form would have the following fields:

node title
node path alias
node menu link text

TinyMCE for 4.7 available?

Hi folks,

I apologize in advance if this question has been asked, but I can't seem to find a 4.7 version of TinyMCE, although the module page refers to 4.7 features.

Please advise.


Saving data from a node referring to a node id before node is saved

I am currently trying to write a module to let me add great big polylines to google maps. I have a module I am calling the route module and when you choose Add New Route from the content menu it has a google map in the add node form which allows you to add waypoints to define your route.

how can i turn off tinymce input filters

Is there a way to keep tinymce from stripping away HTML tags that i want as default code embedded in a page. In flexinodes that i have created that have default html such as pay pal buttons or links to other pages the tinymce editor strips away all the tags.

I checked the tinymce documentation and i see that there are ways to set the configuration but i don't know where in the tinymce drupal module to set the configuration options.


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