This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Is the Issue tracker module available for public download?

Is the issue tracker module available for download?

todo/task list

hey guys,

i'm looking for a simple "to do" and/or "tasks" type module. i've seen a couple of them floating around, but i guess only for 4.7. i'm running 4.6 and don't want to upgrade yet.

Does anybody have anything like this? I saw an older ToDo that someone had made for 4.4, but nothing more recent.

Or if someone could point me towards some code snippits that might accomplish the same things.


AJAX and

Has anyone seen I love it. It's the simplest ajax solution I've seen yet.

How do I know if cron is working?

I read a lot of modules that say cron is required -- how do I know if it's enabled or not? I know that I can run cron jobs in our hosting account under cpanel, but I don't suppose I know if or how cron.php is enabled.


Try my groups.module beta!

I started this project almost 6 months ago when I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. This is the first beta release. I'm looking for some input.

My groups module allows users to create and join groups. "Groups" can be clubs, organizations, or any group of people that fall under a similar category. When you create a group, you must enter a title or name for the group. You may also add a description, a link to any external website that your group may have, and you may upload one picture to represent your group. These things, along with a list of members are all displayed on your group's profile page.

Upon creation, must decide whether your group will be 'public' (anyone can join, without permission), 'private' (membership must be approved), or 'closed' (no new members at this time). If the group is set to 'private', all membership requests are sent to a 'requests' tab where they must be approved or denied. You may select up to three group members to aid in this task. It is also possible to be notified via email when new requests are made.

Users may join/leave a group from that groups profile page and they can view what groups they belong to from a tab on their profile page. You can also view what group somebody else belongs to by viewing their profile.

It is possible to browse groups by using the "groups" link in the main menu, and I am working diligently on a search feature.

Another module to node creation by users

This module idea is a rewrite of another module idea I had and posted at

It also came to light that there are several modules in some state or another that implement a similar concept. Here is a review

So now I offer this module called nodelimit which I think (I hope) incorporates most of the ideas of all of them into one.

The code was also written with an eye towards further enhancement. There is a 'mode' value (the current modes are 'No limits', 'One limit applied to all users' and 'Multiple limits applied by permissions'). The code performs a switch statement on the 'mode', so if someone had other idea for another 'mode', the idea could be incorporated easily by adding new case statements in each of the modules functions to handle the 'mode' specific logic. Along with the 'mode' value is the 'quantity' value that could be anything needed to support the new 'mode' (with the current modes as examples: 'One limit applied to all users' accepts only a single number and 'Multiple limits applied by permissions' accepts a comma separated list of numbers). And lastly there is the anonymous user exception value (true or false) which allows anonymous user override of a limit.

So if someone wanted to incorporate this with user points or e-commerce, this module shouldn't be too difficult for a coder to build on. I had commented earlier, that I think some sort of infrastructure that limits node creation at the individual user level would require fairly different logic than these (bioesque, noderestrict, usernodes and bio) modules provide. I had that thought in the bakc of my head as I was writing this code, so I think (or I hope) the logic needed for a new 'mode' idea could easily be incorporated into this module.

To install - copy the code to your text editor, save as nodelimit.module. Create a nodelimit directory in your modules directory and upload file to the new directory. Note when copying, remember to remove any whitespace after the closing ?> php tag at the end of the file.

Would certainly appreciate any thoughts, comments and suggestions.

* Global values to define node limit mode
define('NODELIMIT_NONE', 0);
define('NODELIMIT_SIMPLE', 1);
define('NODELIMIT_PERM', 2);

/* Implementation of hook_help...
function nodelimit_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
// admin/modules description
$out = 'Provides the ability to limit node creation (authoring). The settings are configurable for each node type.';
return t($out);
case 'admin/help#nodelimit':
// admin/help - overall
// basic description of module and link to help text
$out = '

This module provides the ability to limit the number of nodes your users may create (or author). ';
$out .= 'The necessary settings are configurable for each node type.


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