This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

adding a site-wide rss feed...

I've cobbled together a site-wide RSS feed, adding it to summary.module. Seems to work except I get a "warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by" message before the RSS feed. Any thoughts?

All I did was modify summary.module to add an item in summary_menu():

	$items[] = array ('path' => 'summary/feed', 'title' => t('summary feed'), 'access' => TRUE, 'callback' => 'summary_feed', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK);

and then added this function:

How to change text in breadcrumb?

The problem is the following:

I have menu item named "parent [12]" and its son "son [32]".
Numbers in brackets are number of nodes in these terms.

So, I get breadcrumb "Home -> parent [12] -> son [32]".
Is it possible to change that to "Home -> parent -> son"?

Replacement for array2object..

Hi I'm working on to get the module called: "User badges" to work on Drupal 4.7 beta-6 and I struck onto an error..
Unlucky me the search engine has gone dead here on so I can't search due to an upgrade of the site..

The line that's giving me a problem is this:

$edit = array2object($edit);

Here's what I've found about array2object.. It's used in Drupal 4.6 API and lies under and it does this: Convert an associative array to an anonymous object.

Javascript/Applet managed navigation block

I want to put the latest news on a block and have them handled by a javascript so as to
add text scrolling effect.
Another possibility could be to use a java applet that somehow gets the latest news (for example)
from drupal and have them scrolling/moving inside the applet container.
Can this be achieved with the two technologies I've mentioned into drupal?


PHP Input Format

Can anyone give me an example of usage of the PHP format for the insertion of a node content body?
For example, if I try to insert a new page content I have to choose whether the input format is
either Filtered html, Full html or PHP code. Why would I need to edit PHP?


Foreign exchanges module

Does anybody know if there is a module for foreix exchanges management?
Need to be able to 'change' money between different currencies on-the-fly.
Something like
I've seen the contributed currency module but it looks as if it can only convert
from only two configured costant currencies. How could I have a multi-currency converter?



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