This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

image maxsize module

I've created a small module (extends image.module) with which u can add a maximum size for the origional image. When a new image is too large it's origional will be resized. Handy for people with small storage capacity.

It could be rewritten as a patch for the image.module, when people like it to integrate in the image.module itself.

Comments are welcome...

Q: How can I automatically add images to storys?

Is there a way I can automatically add images to a story or a page? Like you know how on news sites they always have an add or an image in each article? Like if you scroll down a little on this page it will say "Story continues below" and then place an add: . I would assume they do not actually enter an

htmlarea problem with Drupal 4.7 (CVS)

I have a problem with the htmlarea module (CVS).

I installed it and removed all restrictions, so it should work on every page. Right now I can see it working ok only with the feedback module. On all other pages it gives an error: "HTMLArea is undefined".

How can I fix it?

Another question: in the Settings > Mission: I'd like to use html. Right now all the html tags are being ignored and I do not see a way to make it work. I was hoping the htmlarea will help.

Accessing $_POST variables with the new Form aPI


I am currently converting a simple search module I created for a drupal site to the 4.7 core, but i am experiencing some problems.

My old module had a search page that consisted of two parts:
- The search form
- The results of the search, when a search was done.

The classic way was to implement a callback menu function

function pletdb_menu(){
	global $user;
	$items = array();

	$items[] = array('path' => 'pletdb/search','title' => t('Custom search'),'callback' => 'pletdb_custom_search', 'access' => user_access('search pletdb'), 'type' =>MENU_CALLBACK);
	return $items;

Then I had the function

function pletdb_custom_search(){

// Code that creates the form elements, ending with the form() function
$output = form($form)
// ... setting the variables for later processing
$op = isset($_POST['op']) ? $_POST['op'] : '';
$edit = isset($_POST['edit']) ? $_POST['edit'] : '';
// ... execute if the form is submitted ...
if ($op == t('Submit')) {
 // ... Create a query with the elements that are posted on the form ...
$result = db_query($query);
// ... proces the $result and format into a nice table (html string in $result_table variable)
$output .= $result_table

Now, how can I do this with the new form api. Can someone describes a best practice how I can create a form and display the output of my search underneath?

(command-line) CVS - export CVSROOT

just wondering if someone can help me with a CVS command line-issue. I'm moving my drupal development files from my windows box to my test server which doesn't have a GUI. I'm doing this because I am sick of windows corrupting my files, changing the new-line characters so that I can't make patches.

Drupal sites on banking help and advise needed

Hey, I'm quite new to drupal. Have developed a menu module for a web site which still hasn't been put up in production.
At the mo I'm in the design phase for a web site for a bank and I'm plannig to use drupal for it.
I mainly need to design a whole section for usual bank foreign exchanges management section.
I've seen the drupal contributed module for currency exchange, but it seems that it can only manage 2 currencies.
Is this correct or can I change this module to handle multiple currencies? Can I anyhow use it to obtain my objectives?


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