This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Importing Adresses from Adress Book

I was wondering if there is any module , like , which can import email adresses from the adress book of yahoo, and hotmail ,by providing email adress and password.

Form Confusion

I am so utterly confused. Can someone help me with a simple example of how to call a page with a custom form. I have a module lets call test.module. In that module my hook_menu has an item that calls a function and it looks like this:

$items[] = array('path' => 'test/add', 'title' => t('Test'),
      'access' => user_access('view test'), 'callback' => 'test_add');

What I want is when the user clicks Test from the menu they go to a page with the form in question. This part works fine. That is to say I can get to the page and print some output. Where I am confused is what the code should be like to render a form on that page. I have read the api and tried examples and nothing has worked. Please help me. Is my menu callback wrong? What code should go inside my function to make a simple form. Any form. All I am trying to accomplish right now is to display a field. From their I am pretty sure I will be able to figure out the rest.

I would appreciate it if someone could build upon the code below and finish it so that when the user clicks the menu item a page with the field 'name' and a submit button is visible. Thanks in advance for your help.

function test_menu($may_cache) {
$items = array();
if ($may_cache) {
$items[] = array('path' => 'test/add', 'title' => t('Test'),
'access' => user_access('view test'), 'callback' => 'test_add');

Horde kronolith events in drupal

Hello everyone!

I have a calendar in horde's kronolith where i store my schema (i'm working shift) and I want to publish the schema in drupal
like archive module but for calendar events.
The big problem is the recur. events.
Have anyone created a module like this before, i have no clue how to do this ;)

Have a nice day
//Robert Olsson

Q: Add class to elements in theme('table') ?

Is it possible to add a class to the tr's or td's in the following table?

$output .= theme('table', $forum_topic_list_header, $rows);


flickr_block: image URLs have wrong server?

I've installed flickr_block into my Drupal 4.6.6 installation, and have it mostly working. That is, it's successfully going off to flickr, finding a set of my pictures, and returning an appropriately structured block. The problem is that, of the four pictures, the image URLs for two of them are incorrect: they refer to flickr servers that don't exist (e.g., and, and I get the "missing image" presentation in the webpage.

execute a function before hook_insert

How would I go about executing a custom function before hook_insert is called, so that the output of my function can be inserted into node->body and written to the database?


Doug Gough


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