This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Q: Order flexinode multiselect by name

Is it possible to order the multilist selection field by alphabetical order when you are creating a new flexinode?

For instace, could i have my HTML form that is structured like this:

value, name
1, dog
2, cat
3, pig
4, horse
5, turtle
6, hamster

be ordered like:

value, name
2, cat
1, dog
6, hamster
4, horse
3, pig
5, turtle

Any help would be awesome. Thank you.

What happened to video.module?

The video module isn't showing up on the CVS list of modules anymore. I thought it was there yesterday. I was going to report a possible bug, but it doesn't show up as a selection on the list of components for a bug submission either.


Still having problems with Forms

Through the help of the forums I have a form working. I am still having trouble with getting the submitted data. Or more to the point I am having trouble figuring out how to determine the submit button has been pressed and executing resultant code. See the code below. I am trying to get the line "success" to print after submitting the form. All I do get is the form (still filled in) returned back.

I would appreciate any insights to what is missing.

function client_add() {
$edit = $_POST['edit'];
$op = $_POST['op'];

if ( $edit && $op == t('Submit') ) {
print "Success";
$form = form_textfield('First Name', 'c_fname', $_POST['edit']['c_fname'], 25, 25, 'Enter Clients First name', NULL, true);
$form .= form_textfield('Last Name', 'c_lname', $_POST['edit']['c_lname'], 25, 25, 'Enter Clients Last name', NULL, true);
$form .= form_textfield('Home Phone', 'c_hphone', $_POST['edit']['c_hphone'], 25, 25, 'Enter Clients Home Phone Number', NULL, true);
$form .= form_textfield('Work Phone', 'c_wphone', $_POST['edit']['c_wphone'], 25, 25, 'Enter Clients Work Phone Number', NULL, false);
$form .= form_textfield('Email', 'c_email', $_POST['edit']['c_email'], 25, 25, 'Enter Clients Email Address', NULL, true);
$form .= form_textfield('First Name', 'cc_fname', $_POST['edit']['cc_fname'], 25, 25, 'Enter Co-Clients First name', NULL, false);

bizarre: category and relativity both steal content

I'm trying to get previous page and next page links. Yesterday I installed category. All the content in the body of my book pages disappeared, only the titles remained. (I installed the wrappers). Today I installed relativity, which is supposed to be a great module (like category) and is supposed to create good parent-child links. Exactly the same problem. All the content disappears, only the title is shown. I am puzzled in that I've seen others rave about these two modules and no one else reporting this problem. Any clues?

Can I disable a module through the database?

I disabled one required module from the e-commerce package by accident and now the site doesn't work! Can I re-enable it through a field in the database?

-I answered my own question! Status field in system table set to '1' for active and '0' for inactive.

Here is the SQL for the product.module (edit for the module you are trying enable)
UPDATE `system` SET `status` = '1' WHERE CONVERT( `filename` USING utf8 ) = 'modules/ecommerce/product/product.module' LIMIT 1 ;



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