This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Modules Available?

Hi guys.. Im using Drupal 4.7 RC

is there any reservation module?

Need Help on E-commerce.Module

Need help..

I've installed the ecommerce.module..
I use the ecommerce.mysql to create tables then enable it to the admin->modules

after enableling the module. I got this error..

Fatal error: Call to undefined function array2object() in E:\XAMPP 1.5.1\xampp\htdocs\ecomerce\modules\ecommerce\store\product.module on line 435

on line 435
--> $edit = array2object($_POST['edit']);

They say that this is superseded means out of date..

so I change the code to

-->$object = (object)$array;

the I still got an error.

Online users with icons/images


I was wondering, would it be possible to in some way change the Whos online mod and the users that are online give them an icon if they are admin and another icon for other types of users?

I hope someone can help me with this,


Filebrowser not working and no other download manager?


We have installed filebrowser manager on and clicking on a directory works fine but then as soon as the file itself comes it thinks its a directory aswell??

Try clicking the zip file in there and then it says: directory
Unable to get files for this directory

Can create content with my 4.7 module :(

Hi !
I'm really a newb in module development. I tried and developped a little module with a simple node.
It was working quite nicely in 4.6, but not in 4.7 anymore.
I checked the documentation, but can't find what I've forgotten :(
In fact, the node appears in the block 'create content', but not in the main page when clicking on 'create content' (?q=node/add).
And if I click on my node in the menu, I go back to the general create content page (instead of my form).....
If someone has an idea what I am stupidly forgetting, it would be really great :p !

Dashboard module code snip.

For those forced to use postgresql, the sql file translated to PostGreSQL

-- start table, dashboard.pgsql
CREATE TABLE dashboard (
nid integer NOT NULL default '0',
name varchar(255),
db_top text,
db_left text,
db_right text,
db_bottom text,
-- end table

longtext does not exist in pgsql, and integer used as uid in table node is defined as SERIAL.


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