This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

hook vs. nodeapi


I'm relatively new to drupal and am in the process of writing my first few modules.

I have a question about the differences between using the various hook_ functions (hook_insert, hook_delete, etc...) versus hook_nodeapi.

disknode in 4.7 still uses form_checkbox()

I downloaded disknode from 4.7.x but received a file named "disknode.4.6.0.tar".
Nevertheless, I tried to install and yes .. does not work.

Seems that disknode in this tarball still uses form_checkbox(). Thought that this function is eliminated.

I wonder whether there is a patch or update available?

Help with a SQL query

It must be late at night. I'm stumped by what should be a really simple query. Here's the db schema and data:

mysql> select * from mms_node;
| nid | mms_id | realm |
|   1 |     20 |     2 |
|   1 |      4 |     1 |
|   6 |      7 |     2 |
|   6 |      1 |     1 |
|   7 |     10 |     2 |
|   7 |      2 |     1 |
|   5 |      8 |     2 |
|   5 |      1 |     1 |
mysql> select * from manufacturer;
| id | name       |
|  1 | Alabama    |
|  2 | Arkansas   |
|  3 | Canada     |
|  4 | Delaware   |
|  5 | California |

mysql> select * from model;
| id | man_id | name     |
|  6 |      1 | Aardvark |
|  7 |      1 | Anteater |
|  8 |      1 | Animal   |
|  9 |      2 | Albino   |
| 10 |      2 | Banana   |
| 11 |      2 | Book     |
| 12 |      5 | Cookie   |
| 13 |      5 | Dog      |
| 14 |      3 | Canoe    |
| 15 |      5 | Eagle    |
| 16 |      3 | Elefant  |
| 17 |      4 | Duck     |
| 18 |      4 | Dingo    |
| 19 |      4 | Dragon   |
| 20 |      4 | Dolphin  |

What I want is this:

| nid | manufacturer_name | model_name |

Dreams of the File field for CCK

I think it should look alot like this:
to see the Jupload drag and dropper just register here
and login

that is so powerful, to be able to drag and drop and make nodes is ideal.
this is the only way i will get my end users to post content. i mean lots of photos.. lots of media!
this could be integrated with your module and cck in the following way...

the jupload could be a field type with the option to allow each file to become a seperate node or as many attachments of a singe node ...

for categorization there could be a drop down select or a freetagging box could be allowed for either each file/node or all files/nodes at once... brilliant!

Related Nodes:
the uploaded files could make nodes that are simply RELATED to the parent node like children.... example... content type is an album.... you drag and drop the mp3's..... they make children nodes which are of the type "song".. you can then edit them and upload the samples you used in that song... they become children of the content type "sample".....

Allow a "create a child node of the following content type"
another useful field type.. ... someone can chose the samples and/or songs they sampled and simply click a link to create another node of the content type... "remix".. would appear as a link at the teaser or footer "create a remix" ...

Upload: temporary javascript location?

I'm modifying the upload module to create/manage thumbnail images for our site. I'm really close. The single remaining issue (I think) relates to the javascript (upload.js) that is attached to the input form. In the module there is a path to "upload/js", which appears to be the location of the contents of the upload form, themed using the theme methods in the upload module.

However, it doesn't seem to exist on the disk. It's just in memory, I think.

Taxonomy block SQL error re. DB field name

I've got this taxonomy block error with version 4.6.6:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY sticky DESC, created DESC LIMIT 5' a query: SELECT DISTINCT(n.nid), n.title, n.body FROM term_node t INNER JOIN node n ON t.nid = n.nid WHERE t.tid IN () AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY sticky DESC, created DESC LIMIT 5 in /home/path/to/html/includes/ on line 66.


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