This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

LDAP Integration Module using database authentication

I am trying to setup the LDAP Authentication Module on Drupal 4.6. Drupal continues to look at that user table not LDAP to authenticate users - even when I tell it not to. When I login as someone that is only in LDAP, I get an error:

LDAP Bind failure for user uid=ldaponly,ou=SiteUsers,dc=mydomain

(One thing I note is that the dn for the user is actually uid=ldaponly,ou=SiteUsers,dc=mydomain,dc=com

Thanks in advance for your help.

Here are my settings.

LDAP Server Settings:
Organization name: CompanyName
LDAP server: localhost
LDAP port: 389
Store passwords in encrypted from: yes
(I am using OpenLDAP and I know that it is running on this port)

Login Procedure:
LDAP directory only: checked
Standard LDAP system
LDAP login pattern: /(\S+)/i
LDAP login replacement: uid=$1,ou=SiteUsers,dc=mydomain,dc=com
(There is a user with a dn: uid=ldaponly,ou=SiteUsers,dc=mydomain,dc=com)

Groups and roles:
Groups exist as LDAP entries
(I am using groupOfUniqueNames objects for my roles)
Attribute holding group members:
Group members are stored as full DNs: checked

LDAP Attributes:
Changes in account fields will be mapped to LDAP attributes and back: checked

$_POST & $form_values empty (trying to port taxonomy_xml module to 4.7)

I'm trying to "port" the taxonomy_xml module and i've inserted some print statements in taxonomy_xml_import

function taxonomy_xml_import() {
print time();
print '

'; var_dump($_POST); print '

print '

'; var_dump($form_values); print '

$op = $_POST["op"];
$edit = $_POST["edit"];
if (empty($op)) {
$op = arg(1);
switch ($op) {
case 'Load':
$output = taxonomy_xml_import_load($edit);
case 'import':
$output .= taxonomy_xml_import_form($edit);
print theme('page', $output);

Both $_POST & $form_values are empty. When I change the action to a different module and repeat the print I do see values in $form_values. Anybody know what's going on?



Form fields reset to default values on form_set_error()

I'm writing a module that will be inserted into the ecommerce checkout process using the checkoutapi() hook. When called, this module scans the contents of the cart, identifies items that we need to capture additional information for, and generates a form to collect that information. When the form is validated and an error in the input is found, I use form_set_error() to highlight the appropriate fields. However, when this happens, all values on the form reset to their default values!

How do I display teasers in alphabetical order (by last name)?

I know how to pull nodes from a certain taxonomy and display various information of that node. I have kind of a php question. I need an easy way to sort the nodes by a field, actually the title because the title is the first and last name of the person.

Now if there is an easy mysql fix I'm all for that. Fail that I need to put the nodes into an array and maybe parse some strings so that I can spit them out in alphabetical order by last name.

Any ideas on the easiest way to do this?


301 redirect url


I was wondering if anyone could help me. I want to 301 rediect a url. I want this done: 301 redirected to:

Can anyone help me please?


excerpt.module with tinyMCE, 4.7.0.rc1

Trying to use excerpt.module from CVS with tinyMCE.module from CVS. tinyMCE 2.0.4, drupal.4.7.0.rc1

On every "Submit" and also "Preview" I see <*><* /> </*> tags added to excerpt. No such tags added to body or title. I ended up adding str_replace in excerpt.module:


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