This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Grading-book for eLearning with drupal

And now concerning the gradebook....:

on one website i came across a grading system roughly with the following outline:

- 100 points for answering questions relating to subject (10% of total grading)
- 100 points for actively participating in class discussions (30% of total grading)
- 100 points for posting pictures concerning project (20% of total grading)
- 100 points for writing an essay reflecting personal understanding of the subject (40%)

4.7 and the new forms API

I've begun exploring moving some of the modules I've written on my site to drupal 4.7 (from 4.6.x.) However, I've hit a stumbling block when I started to convert one of my more complex forms. A sample of the html for the form can be seen here:

The complexity in this form is that all the checkboxes are contained within unordered lists. Those lists, using javascript, can be "expanded" and "collapsed" by clicking on plus and minus signs. Actually, this type of "html/js" based collapsing tree-view has been done many times over. Getting it to work in the 4.6 forms API was very simple, as I could simply spit out the html code I wanted, replacing any 'input' tags with the appropiate form_checkbox() call. It isn't extremely themable, but thats okay... in this case functionality was more important than looks.

Unfortunatly, I can't figure out how to do this with the new forms API. It might be a simple case of not seeing whats there... or perhaps I AM seeing it, but I'm so stuck on the 'old way' of doing things that I'm unable to comprehend the new way.

Can anyone who understands the new form API tell me if something like that above page is possible - and then point me to the right direction to find out HOW I can inject my own (and not really all that structured) html into the resulting form? (Doing it in a theme isn't possible, btw - the unordered lists are nested recursively - and only the module which creates the form understands it.)

Carto - Different overview from the map

Hi there

I'm using carto module with success. But I've a curious problem - mapserver / carto related...

I'm making a website with builings of a city. All those building has a related map, with the proper extent, all those using the same wms.

The problem is: when I set this extent, the overview map is related to this particular extent. I wonder if I cound make that all these maps was refered to the city extent.

For example: I've created many maps using {carto-filter} and {mappingwidget} tools. In each map, different extents where setted:

event module - removal of days and type?

I have installed and am using the Events module, however I would like to remove the tags from the front page that show how many days remain untill an event and the event type. How can this be done?

Chris Hogg


Pages for specific roles accessible only


Can somebody please help me with a module or something that can allow me to set specific pages to be accessible for specific ROLES (like authenticated user etc) only?

Thank you

Renaming taxonomy terms, vocab, etc.

I'm planning to use taxonomy on a site that will be handed over to a group of non-techies. I'm using the control panel module as it takes some of the fear away, but I think it would also be so much easier if I could swap the unique taxonomy titles for something more intuitive (e.g. categories).

Is there an easy way to do that? Has anyone done the same?


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