Hi !
Could anybody help me with the creation of a new module to replace the radio buttons and checkboxes with custom images ?
I have the javascript ready to work but I don't know how to put it in a Drupal module. I've found this tutorial http://drupal.org/node/42544 but.... well I'm not so good with php :)
I've looked in the modules directory list, but can't find it there. I've also Googled it and followed a link to this site which is now dead...Any ideas?
I have a created a couple sites for people but they are sort of newbies and I would like to be able to have an email be sent to them automatically every so often if they haven't created a node in a while. Otherwise their site can be a bit boring without some new content once in a while. Here is some pseudo-code. I would be glad to hear anyone's comments, especially if there is something that almost does this already.
using drupal_add_js, is there a way to add my js file after all of the drupal js files? so that my js file can see the changes made to the page.
how can i attach collapsing function of any fieldset to an object other than fieldset's legend? for example when a checkbox is checked/unchecked a fieldset will open/collapse. (the reverse situation is not important: when the fieldset is opened/collapsed by clicking its legend, the checkbox's status may not change.)
I'm just wondering if anyone else feels the same way:
1) I prefer books to taxonomy as *most* of my site is hierarchical.
2) That makes books more logical for viewers and non-techie users of the site.
3) The 'Outline' feature ROCKS!
4) But it would be great to be able to have two parents.
I know that kinda veers into taxonomy territory, but even if it was something like a distant parent, or step-parent (with breadcrumbs still honouring the primary parent), I think it would be a big improvement to the books module.