This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

How to aggregate category from RSS feed?

Hi! Does anyone have a ready solution for this? I need to aggregate categories from Rss feeds, so I could dynamically update categories on my web pages and filter the information according to them.

Drupal and JSP/Java Servlets

Does anyone around here creating any modules that use Java Servlets? If so what's the best way to make that happen, or is that even worth messing with? I suppose you could use the experimental php/java extension or use some sort of web service-like system.


Ecommerce module

Hi guys.

I'm new in drupal and im using it for my project, coz im not very good at .php language..
so, to make my work more easier, i use drupal with the ecommerce module..

is there an ecommerce module that will work with the Drupal 4.7 RC?

Im having a problem with me ecommerce.cvs

coz i don't think that it will work with the drupal 4.7 RC..

any help is very much appriciated..

thanks guys..

Q: Help with SQL Query

I am having problems figuring out how to do this query.

I have a bunch of cell phones categorized by taxonomy. For instance I have a Category called "SonyEricsson" that lists all the different types of SonyEricsson phones. Each type of phone is a term. For example:

Configuring TinyMCE 4.6 for Drupal 4.6.6

New to Drupal, so please bear with me and thanks in advance for the help.

Installed Drupal and TinyMCE without issue. TinyMCE is enabled and functions correctly when unmodified.

I copied the tinyMCE.init code found on the TinyMCE site in example_full.php, as I'd like to have all options available.

Should this code be added into "tinymce.module"? I've made a few different attempts to add it to this page, resulting in duplicate textareas being displayed where only one should appear... so I'm beginning to think I'm in the wrong file.

How to update project's official release tar.gz?


I have released a first version of the new phpbb2drupal project for Drupal 4.6. For this, I have branched cvs with the drupal-4.6 tag as advised on the documentation.

Now, I need to release a new updated version of the same project still for Drupal 4.6. How do I handle cvs so that this new version replaces the old one on the project page?



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