This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Modifying Upload Module


I'm modifying upload.module to incorporate thumbnail management for our site.

So say our new version is called "our_upload.module". This module's content gets mixed up with upload.module's content unless I change all references of "node->files" to "node->our_files". I also have to change the our_module_load() function to return an array called "our_files". Piece of cake.

refreshing page

I have a module with a drupal form that pulls records from both MySQL and Progress SQL when I hit the submit button the page does not seem to refresh. What is the best way in drupal to refresh a page? Any input is appreciated.


Q: How do I display the views module?

Sorry if this is a stupid question but I have just installed the views module and it looks really awesome. The only problem is I don't know how to display the data I want to. I have looked through the handbooks and am kind of confused on what to do. Am I supposed to have a link like "views/taxonomy/term/33" and then rewrite this as what I want it to be or what? I am lost. Any help would be great. I mainly want the views to display my taxonomy term a certain way.


AJAX Teaser Module

I just started playing with 4.7 and I am very impressed by all the AJAX.

What do you guys think about putting AJAX in the teasers? The teaser could include a "quick read" widget. So when you click "quick read", it loads the node body right within the teaser without reloading the page.

Change RSS text to Image in site_map.module

Hi All,

I would like to change the text RSS into an image in site_map.module. Re:



Best way to implement select list + file upload

I have a tricky problem and i would really appreciate some help. I need to be able to upload multiple files. The upload module works fine for this. However, i also need to have a select list of headings or categories ( not necessarily taxonomies though) so each upload is associated with one of the selected headings. Currently i am using a flexinode for this node type, and i would really hate to have to junk all the working stuff to implement this one feature. Any suggestions?


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