This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Node access database table - what fields do what? How does this table link up with others?

Is there some documentation on the node access table? I want to know where the gid links up with the user id. Also what realm means. I'm looking to creating my own access control for a custom application and I could really use the help.

These are the fields:



When viewing a node of a category, automatically show the recent nodes of that category?

Is there a way to make a module do this:

When viewing a node of a category, automatically show the recent nodes of that category?

hotspotlogin : a drupal module for chillispot authentification (contribution needed)

Hi !

I have developped a module that allow to make a captive portal with drupal (in combinaison with chillispot).
Image : chillispot, drupal, multi-site... Yes !

I'm still interesting in having such a module, but I cannot continue his developpement for 2 main reasons :

submitted project disappearing into thin air?

First time submission. Submitted a new project using Creat Content -> Project. Now I don't see any mention of the fact that a new project has been submitted. No email, no "pending" status, just nothing. It is as if the submission has disappeared into thin air?

Are we supposed to be able to see the submitted project in a pending queue while await approval?


Taxonomy Block error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: form_group() in /home/public_html/drupal/modules/taxonomy_block/taxonomy_block.module on line 120

Any idea?

flexiblock error

Does Flexiblock works for 4.7?

I get this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: form_checkbox() in /public_html/drupal/modules/flexiblock/flexiblock.module on line 141


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