This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Cross-linking nodes with ease

Hi all

I've been trawling through the mods, and I can't seem to find one that does what I need... I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.

Thank everybody :)

I've already create my page by with drupal. :)
I created new file with file name extention '.module' and paste that file to module folder.
But I'm not sure that right !?
What do you think?

Autocomplete: Why are pipe delimited messages used instead of JSON?

In investigating the autocomplete.js functionality (and the js involved in the Activeselect module), I ask myself why the messages sent back and forth between the browser and server are of the form of pipe delimited values instead of something that is native to at least one of the environments, such as javascript arrays (JSON). We have the server side infrastructure to produce these arrays from Drupal PHP objects and values, and it would cut down on a lot of string replacement code both client side and server side. I'm curious as to the motivation for the current implementation.

module for creating nodes which contains nodes

I have been using flexinode to create nodes of different types (like product attrubutes, product image etc). Now I am looking for a module which will allow me to create a node (say product) which itself can consist of a number of such flexinodes (like one product attribute node and one product image node inside the product node). Has someone written such a module which i can use or is there anyway i can use a combination of the existing modules to get this functionality.


Changing displayed content at the last minute

Using 4.6...

I have a node type which is basically a hacked version of page. It's pretty simple stuff. What I was is an opportunity to change the content of the node (that is, the displayed text). 9 times out of 10 the node content will be displayed as normal, but just occasionally, when the right conditions are met, I want to replace the displayed node content with some hard coded text. I don't want to permanently change the text in the node - next time it gets displayed if should show the node's text as normal (unless my conditions are met again).

Looking through the API I found hook_view(), which appears to do what I want. I hacked together an implementation of this function that just changes the $node->body value, and that looks like the answer:

function mod_view(&$node, $teaser = FALSE, $page = FALSE) {
  if( condition ) {
    $node->body = "Changed content";
  $node = node_prepare($node, $teaser);

However, I'm very new to this, and I'm not sure of the knock on effects of this. Have I found a decent solution, or is there a better way to doing this?

Is there a module to set a password for some directory using .htaccess files?

Ha All,

Is there a module to set a password for some directory using .htaccess files? i mean a module which by using a button set a password for a directory inside home of a user? For Example i have picktures on gallery and wish not share all the Images. Then i put a .htaccess file in image directory and get picktures hidden?


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