This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Bookmark this page facility through toolbar...similar to Post to like facility


I was interested in having a facility where I can add some javascript/Php code as a link in my IE, Mozilla toolbar, so that any one who is visiting any website can add the site url as bookmark in his/her drupal site just by clicking the link in toolbar. The link will be similar to what we have for popular sites like (Post to or

I am new to php development so any help will be appreciated.

Thanks and regards,
Lokesh Gupta

Rich user profiles with customizable presentation and "homepage feel" for a community website

I'd like a similar feature for a site I am planning. Basically a user profile where the user can write a longer presentation, upload and add personal photos and images, use different fonts and colors and more or less customize it and make it personal.

My idea has been to use the guestbook module for personal guestbooks and modify the gallery module to allow users to create personal galleries with photos other users can comment on.

Using Two Databases

Is it possible to call two different databases within a module?

I am wanting to use the database for my module and another database from a different module.

Any ideas?

user_access function problem in flexinode module

I have a problem in using flexinode module. I used drupal 4.6.3.My user account can edit some data(node) that already entered but some(node) cannot edit. When i check in Mysql database, there is no difference between edited data and not edited data. When i check the flexinode module i found it controls with user_access function. But i could not find that function in detail. I searched in the whole drupal and i could not find where that function wrote. Where should i find it? Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Node History Page

I'm not really sure where to post this so I've put it here; if this is not the proper place for a request like this then I apologize.

I currently am using code I found and slightly modified in a node history block. The block shows the last modified node, who it is by, and at what time they modified it. I've included the code with my alterations at the bottom of this post.

This code works great for a block as the formatting is perfectly suitable. What I am looking to do with it, though, is make a page out of it that's dedicated to showing the history of a specific type of node (in my case, book). The formatting is not very suitable for this purpose. See the formatting examples below.


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