This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Cron Error with Duplicate entry

I am using Drupal: 4.4.1 on Linux2.4.20 . I customized the notify module.

Hacking fbu, and I'm stuck.

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. In essence, I ran fbu through form updater, which zeroed in on hook_settings, and got that bit loading under last night's CVS. What's got me flummoxed is this section:

	if (variable_get('fbu_files_backup_interval', 0)) {
		if (!file_check_directory($backup_path)) {
			form_set_error('fbu_auto_backup_path', t('The automatic backup path does not exist, or is not writeable.  Automatic backups will not begin until you fix this error.'));
               // else if and so on...

The module calls for the directory to be absolute, and I've tried every combination I can think of (its running in a win32 apache sandbox, so obvious choices were http://localhost/sandbox/files/fbu, G:\apache\htdocs\sandbox\files\fbu, etc.). Since form_set_error is preventing the values in the variable table from being set, I've manually deleted them before attempting to set a new path, but without any better result. My apache and PHP error logs aren't offering any useful diagnostic info, nor is watchdog; I'm pretty sure its not the forms api, because the rest of the form runs smoothly.

If it helps, these are the entries from the variable table:
fbu_email s:24:"";
fbu_files_backup_interval s:5:"86400";
fbu_auto_backup_path s:34:"http://localhost/sandbox/files/fbu";
fbu_archive_type s:3:"zip";
fbu_max_email s:1:"5";

Prevent displaing descendants

I switched of the "Display descendants" but still get it.


- Portrait
- Products
- Pro1
- Pro2
- News

Adding a node to pro1 and pro2
clicking on products will display the teaser of pro1 and pro2 nodes

whats wrong?

Display random RSS feeds in a block?

I just wanted to know if there is anyone out there who built some function by which I can set a block to randomly display an RSS feed from a pool of feeds that I determine. Any ideas?

Thanks for the help, as always!


Collecting data from another module (custom)

I currently have a two modules:

Module A - creates pages (nodes) with information, also generates an overview page where the nodes within Module A content type are listed

Module B - uses Module A's content to display the overview differently....with more info than a table and categorises the Module A's nodes

If Module A has a category selection, and I generate a node (using Module B) for each category; will I be able to tell the script to collect SPECIFIC CATEGORY data from Module A to be used within Module B's nodes.

Edit as new revision

What I want is a way for users to edit a new revision/copy of a published document. I need help designing just how these new revision are going to be created and entered into the database, so that they can be reviewed and published later (taking over the current revision) without messing up the system.

more/less related topics i have found:

thanks for any help


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