This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Integrate Google Ads every X node entries

Hi all.

I thought I would share a simple module I cooked up. I wanted to be able to display a google ads banner beween every five entries on the front page. The way I did it was this:

Modify the node.module

In function node_page_default() I made some changes ....

store feature in the ecommerce module

I had a good look at the ecommerce module. My question is: is there anyway of configuring it so that
it could handle multiple store fronts? What I would want to do is to design a portal solution for a
commercial centre where every shop keeper would have his section where to update his products.
suggestions are well accepted.

thank u

Creating content denied for non-admin

I'm using Drupal 4.6.5 and I've written a new module. However, even though assigned roles can view, edit, and administer content, they can't create new content of the node type.

I've checked and unchecked all of the access control options for this user group, even doing so one-by-one.

When these users click the "create content" link under the user menu, the node/add page shows the new node type, but the "create content" submenu does not show it.

I've tried altering hook_perm() and hook_access() to no avail.

Can anyone help me add a line to this PHP code?

I was given this code by a very kind developer, but I'm at a loss for how to add a collum to the chart it creates. Right now, it creates a list of bloggers and a link to their blog - I would like it to also list a seperate link to track the user. Also, it doesn't list all the users - only about a third of them - and I don't know why? Any ideas?

Any help would be apprecated ... I can offer flash help in exchange :) Here's the code:


I just noticed that I couldn't find one reference to hashcash on the whole Drupal site. I was trying to check out if anyone had already implemented it as a module for Drupal comments, with similar functionality to the WordPress plugin I've seen. I really don't know how to start developing one myself (not that much of a coder myself) but would be interested to if there isn't already something like it done for Drupal.

Forms API - after submission


Bouncing randomly through the weird documentation ... I've learned how to set up a page/form as a node via a module (although in hindsight perhaps doing a single page would have been easier), and I've figured out how to call the form_submit code.

My question is:

1) How do I easily print out arbitrary contents of my form fields to a page/node
2) can I, say, go to an existing node, and append/prepend text to the page text?
3) How do I go to my initial form page and print stuff out (probably same as answer for Q2)



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