This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.


my drupal version : 4.6.6
drupal module : aggregator2
action : refresh items

warning: mb_convert_encoding(): Illegal character encoding specified in /my/durpal/path/ on line 1630.

warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /my/durpal/path/ on line 192.

Note : XML File encoding windows-1254

sorting table on 2 fields


I use a few tables on my site with data from the database, and the rows are ordened by a date field.
But when multiple rows have the same date, the next thing it gets ordered on, is the node ID (so basically the adding order).
Now i want to achieve that multiple rows with the same date, get sorted alphabetically instead.

How would i achieve this? Normally that could be done with simple SQL, like "ORDER BY date,title", but the SQL is dynamically generated in Drupal.
Here's a bit of the code:

acidfree can't sort image by name or time

i have test the acidfree for album, and i found 2 questions about it .

1, i have many dc photos to import, but in web UI ,I have to import 5 pics one time.
so, i use sftp upload my pics to the server. and use the "import form local" to import my photos .

2 but ,,, when time went on, i found that the sort is random, since the files uploaded name is from img0001 to img0098, in the album, the frist pic is img0017, the secend is img0038........
i want to know how to upload many pics one time in the web UI, and how to resort my photos by name or time (or others).

unique visitors -- how do I count them

how do I count the number of unique visitors to my site?

Statistics provides a list of top visitors, but does not provide a total count.

Also, it seems on statistics I must choose between one day's data, or totals for 1 month. there is no history of changes from day to day.

The graphstat module only provides a graph. It doesn't provide the actual numbers. You have to guess it off of the graph.

I've searched on unique visitors and did not find this question

New site under development: how should it seek developers?

As a new member of the Drupal community I'm eager to get a project started, but my ideas for a site requires some substantial module development, enough that I'd rather not fly solo if I can avoid it. I want to contribute to the community, and hopefully release the modules used to built my site idea.

Since I'm new to the Drupal site, I have a question: What is the best venue (if there is one) for me to recruit developers for a new project?

[moved to module development - Heine]

custom block config *upload files*

In *uploading files* and adding image upload we have a clear explanation on adding upload file in module form hook:

function example_form(&$node, &$param)  {
    $param['options'] = array("enctype" => "multipart/form-data");
    $output .= form_file(t('Image'), 'image', 50, t('Click "Browse..." to select an image to upload.'), TRUE);
    return $output;

Then $param is used in last lines of node.module node_form:

  // Get the node-specific bits.
  // We can't use node_invoke() because $param must be passed by reference.
  $function = node_get_module_name($edit) .'_form';
  $param = array();
  if (function_exists($function)) {
    $form .= $function($edit, $param);


  $attributes = array('id' => 'node-form');
  if (is_array($param['options'])) {
    $attributes = array_merge($param['options'], $attributes);
  return form($output, ($param['method'] ? $param['method'] : 'post'), $param['action'], $attributes);

So, at the end, forms looks like:

<form action="/node/add/example" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="node-form">

Sounds good?

But what about config block hook?


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