This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

ecommerce and 4.7 -status-

I've now used several hours trying to find out if I can get a hold of the current ecommerce module for 4.7. I have looked through 100+ mailing lists, issues, feature requests and patches for just about everything. This is -very- confusing.

Can someone just tell me: Is there a 4.7 development version out there I can test with my 4.7 installation? I need it quickly.

If there is no "package" I can download and use, how do I use the patches provided? Do I download the 4.6 version of ecommerce and start applying patches to it?

Thanks for any input.


Is there some alternative for Filestore2 to Drupal 4.7?

Hi, is there some alternative to modulu Filestore2 for Drupal 4.7 or version of this module for 4.7?
I need that some files which are only for some roles will not be possible to download from another roles.


Q: Lock path alias?

Once somebody creates a node with a unique path alias is it possible to lock that alias so they can never change it again?

I want them to be able to choose what they use when the create the node, and I want them to be able to go back and edit the content. I don't want them to be able to change the path alias once it is created though.

Any ideas?

Thank you!

Best Way to do Podcasts?

I'm currently working on a few projects that involve Drupal and Multi-Media.
In this post I want to review the various ways I see of doing this within Drupal and I want to get some advice/opinions from others.

Basically a Podcast is just an RSS feed and in theory any drupal module with an uploaded attachment should operate as an podcastable RSS feed, right ?

So the first option would be to simply create either fleixnodes or story modules and have uploaded attachments and then categorize them based upon their content type. And to utilize upload to attach the files to each node.

This option has its potential simplicity as a benefit but it would lack some of the features of the audio module and video module. The other main drawback is that it would require users to painstakingly upload their content via an http interface which is a recipe for timeout and wasted effort. If anyone knows a way to link remote files currently in drupal that would be nice. Also a customization/opening of the code from so that other drupal sites could upload their content to would be helpful.

The next option is to utilize the audio module. This is pretty much the same as the previous in terms of it currently lacks support for remotely linking files. It adds the features of a flash mp3 player and getid3 support to read tracks.

Ber Kessels had proposed a new way to deal with files that seemed very interesting but is currently waiting development that would allow linking of files to nodes and also allow files to be remote/local.

Popular Search block - proposed method

Sorry guys if this is inappropriate here. But this is a little way we give back to the community here :) for newbies, you can make the Search block more attractive and directive

We believe the default Search.module could have the `Popular Search' tied to search log, and can also be added manually by admin whatever he/she wishes site visitors to search.

Being PHP-illiterate, the way we did it is just a manual way of copying the resulting HTML code of Search block, and adding that and links inside a custom block.

So the code:

Statistics - Internet access

Views example?

Hi! Is there any better documentation for the views module than ? I'm dreadfully confused.


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