This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Question Re. hook_comment

Just a quick question related to this hook. I was interested in using the comment hook to allow a module to modify the appearance of the comment. There is an $op for 'view', but the only time comment.module does anything at all with the returned values from the other modules is in comment_form. So, my question is two fold:

1) Are the return values intentionally disregarded for all operations except insert?

how to read POST fields !

I want to make a page with a form integrated !
I do a simple form, and it is well displayed, but when I do Submit !
I am not able to receive the value,
what is wrong???
thanks in advance !!

if ($submit_button){
   $message = $_POST['name']." well received!<br>";

$form = $message."
   <FORM ACTION='/node/55' METHOD='POST'>
<br><INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='name'>
<INPUT TYPE='submit' name='submit_button' VALUE='Entry'>

return $form;

I want add some new function for my group?How can i do it?

I just want to add some new function for my group module,for example ,I just want to add classified ad opinion for O.G.:
I want there is a menu for members to chose it,and they can view and add some classified ad ,just for the group members.

I just notice somebody collection some different modules,and make a new module,just like o.g ,gojoingo....
How could i do that?(I known it's a fool question,make me looks like a idiot,but i really want to know)

Thanks forward!

Module Cleanup - coding standards

Is there software or a tool, which can pipe messy php script with HTML and output it as clean code?
How does the drupal team clean-up their scripts?

I am wanting to be able to clean-up a php script which has HTML aswell.....and I want the output to have clean HTML script outputted aswell.

Is there anything which can do this?

Any ideas?

db array select box question


I want the content of a select box dynamic. I have a db table with error code's. The code's from the db must be shown in de select box.


organic groups

Hello ,

Does anyone have any suggestions about how to set up a group using OG with it's own language ?

What i would like is to have is a site with groups all in english and one group in japanese and possibly
more groups in differenet languages later .



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