This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Classified ads module (client of large network)

First public preview of the upcoming (remote) classified ads module

Take a peek at it here:

If you want the module, message me.

Still waiting for CVS approval ...

CVS Module Commit

Well, I'm a total newbie to all things CVS and can't quite figure out what I'm doing. I've downloaded SmartCVS and used it to get the latest version of ecommerce/Drupal in the past, but now I'm interested in uploading a module to the contrib directory and can't figure out how. As the pages here on the site are "geared toward the Linux user," I haven't been able to get a handle on things in Windows. If anyone has used SmartCVS here or knows what it is I need to do to move my module's directory into the contrib directory with the appropriate tag, I'd love the help. Many thanks.

How to extend core drupal modules - Newbie question

I am newbie to Drupal. First, I thank the Drupal developers for providing this excellent software.

Watchdog double registry line

Hi. I'm developing a module (an address book) and every time someone adds, edits or deletes one card I insert with watchdog a registry note with:

watchdog('Address Book', t('Edited card with name').': '.$edit['name'], WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('view'), 'ck_clientes/see/'.$id));

The problem is that it adds two lines, I mean that I see two lines on the logs registry, and I guess it should be only one.

Please, any help to solve this double insertion?

Getting to grips with nodes / modules / forms questions


I have a few stumbling blocks (new to drupal) which answers to would help me loads!

1) I've looked at the Forms API for 4.7, and I notice in there that there's a form_submit() function, I assumed I always needed this to submit my form... However, when looking at module example ( there's no submit?

I can see a node_example_insert, and node_example_update - do those override the submit? Or do I only need the form_submit if I'm writing a piece of code which isn't a module?

2) How do I call my module? At the moment, I just inserted the module_example_form() into a random node and the form is displayed ... is that the proper way to do it?

3) In the example, the hook_view implementation is:

function node_example_view(&$node, $teaser = FALSE, $page = FALSE) {
$node = node_prepare($node, $teaser);
$order_info = theme('node_example_order_info', $node);
$node->body .= $order_info;
$node->teaser .= $order_info;

does the 'theme... node_example_order_info' part call:

function theme_node_example_order_info($node) {
$output = '

$output .= t('The order is for %quantity %color items.', array('%quantity' => $node->quantity, '%color' => $node->color));
$output .= '

return $output;


OpenID module

work module for me (4.7-rc2)
The module is collected from components
Openid.module 1.0

This module adds OpenID consumer support to Drupal 4.7.0-beta4, although it may work with earlier versions.  The module requires version 0.9.2 of the PHP OpenID library.  Enjoy!


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