This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

mlm working?

mlm (mailing list manager) doesn't seem to send the subscribe message to an external ezmlm server. Has anybody had any success with it? There is absolutey no documentation on it.

javascript popup menus on block navigation module

I need to develop a web site which will need to have a right block for navigation where there will be a certain number of links.
I need to add a javascript code to each link so that onMouseOver I will get a popup menu that will give me sub-navigation options.
Is that easily achieavable under drupal? Would I have to write a block module for it and the js on a separate file? How would I integrate the two things and how can I go on about it?

Not a module but a block: how can a custom block modify its own subject/title?

I am writing a custom block that dynamically builds a menu. I want to change the subject/heading/title of the block based on which menu i have loaded.
Note this is NOT hook_block() in a module, this is PHP code in a custom block

Gallery 2 Drupal Implementation


i have just installed gallery 2, and the drupal module, and although it seems to be working to an extent I am not hugely sure it is working properly.

the random image does not actually show an image, and when you use the gallery it is very very small! I am not sure whether this is an issue with the theme or not (civicspace). I am using drupal 4.6. Please check it out yourself

Kind Regards


Own Feedbackforms


I try to create some one feedback forms. My site needs to have more than one regarding to several services offered and they need to have more fields than in the feedback.module offered.
Because I am using 4.7 b5 I tried feedback first. I found out how to add several more fields to it but I also need some select and multiselect menus. I watched in the flexinode files for the paste and copied the code for the select menu definition in the feedback and got it to show up. But how do I define the options for this? I tried it in the pipe way like you can do it in the flexinode module eg. Herr|Frau but it didn' show up. I also looked in the database in a newly created flexinode for the options and copied this stuff in the definition like this a:1:{i:1;s:0:"";} to the place where the 3 ??? are. Also didn't work. Any clue what I have to do?

if ( variable_get("feedback_field_anrede", t('Anrede')) )
$form['feedback_field_anrede'] = array (
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Anrede'),
'#default_value' => $edit['feedback_field_anrede'],
'#options' => ???,

It also shall be added to a database where the admin can look over the different email form request I think I can make this by adding the db code to the function feedback_send_email(). Due to the need of more forms can I just duplicate the feedback.module rename it and its included functions?

Themed Menu Links

I'm using CivicSpace 0.8.3 which I believe uses Drupal 4.6.
Using Administer Site->configure modules->front_page and specifying themed and redirect to front_page I can put HTML in the boxes provied (for Authenticated and non-Authenicated Users) and everything works fine.
What I'd like to do us use (what I believe are called) menus (which upon install stated 'primary link' and 'secondary link' above the front page area and have that 'themed'. Right now if I click on the link a new page is opened...which is fine in some cases but I'd also like to 'theme' the link.


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