This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Splash module - how to set a cookie upon clicking link?

Okay, so I've got a splash page module that needs to be modified so that the cookie gets set only when the user clicks an "Accept these terms and continue" button. (Don't ask, the client wants a user agreement on the splash page.) Once the cookie is set, the page won't show up again.

I'm not being very familiar with Drupal modules and I don't have an expert around to help me, so if anyone can provide some insight, it would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Here's the module:

In module settings:
- define the HTML for the splash page in the module settings.
- define the path alias for the front page of the site. Change
In site configuration:
- change the front page of the site to be "splash"
In config.php or somewhere similar:
- start output buffering ( add ob_start() )


function echosplash_help($section){
case 'admin/modules#description':
return t('Enables the creation of a splash page');

function echosplash_menu($type){
$links[] = array(
'access' => true,
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
'path' => 'splash',
'callback' => 'echosplash_page'

return $links;

function echosplash_page($bypass=false){
$page = variable_get("echosplash_page","");
if (empty($page)){

Audio Module | Does it work?

I have installed a new version of Drupal 4.6 and the latest version of the Audio Module. I can't get this thing to work. I can upload the audio file ... it posts it correctly and everything but when i click to play it, no flash player is activated(am i susposed to config this somehow??) instead it tries to download some crazycode(asdAFASD).exe file. This also happens when i click to download the song. Has anyone encountered this problem? Im excited to get this functioning!!! PLEASE HELP thanks.

Anyone with experience in integrating MyHeadlines with Drupal ?

Anyone has any experience with integrating MyHeadlines with Drupal ?

Or any module for Drupal that has similar features with MyHeadlines ?

Accessing Forms API Field Values

I have been working a lot with the new forms API and it is great. I am having one problem though that is becoming very frustrating and I cannot for the life of me figure out the solution.

wordpress module


Has anybody written a module that uses bloggerAPI or something related to add 'blog this' entries to nodes (similar to ?


Javascript menu: Need help with keeping some navigation variables (session ?)

I'm currently developing a dynamic javascript menu (module). Since it's a javascript menu I need some kind of way to tell drupal the position where the user is currently navigating in the menu. (Tree-menu). So when the user expands 3 levels of menus and then click on the "Home"-link, the menu should not collapse, but remember where the user is currently navigating.


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