This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

New module - Contact List

Announcing a new module: Contact List

This module expands the features of the site wide contact form. It eliminates the need for the drop down category menu by generating a contact form, and a unique path, for each of the contact form categories.

Could I get help editing this module. (Node List)

I'm not fluent with PHP, what would I edit in this PHP file to have it display just a list of node cotent and not the letters? Output is this:

* f
* g


* First Date Tips. Things To Do On First Date.


* Getting Ones Phone Number Aint That Hard

I just want:

* First Date Tips. Things To Do On First Date.
* Getting Ones Phone Number Aint That Hard

It's the node list module. Any help is very much appreciated!

* File: nodelist.module
* Version: $Id: nodelist.module,v 2005/05/02 16:12:48 njivy Exp $
* Author: Nic Ivy (
* Description:
* This module provides a page listing nodes by their titles, linking to
* the nodes directly. The list is sorted alphabetically.

* Implementation of hook_help()
function nodelist_help($section = 'admin/help#nodelist') {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
return t('List all nodes by title');

* Implementation of hook_menu()
function nodelist_menu($may_cache) {
$items = array();

if ($may_cache) {
$items[] = array('title' => t('node list'),
'access' => user_access('access content'),
'path' => 'node/list',
'callback' => 'nodelist_page',
else {

Taxonomy dhtml and translated vocabularies


is there a simple way to show taxonomy dhtml sitemap with vocabularies strings based on language user has (or site default is) and not default (in English language)? I see that Taxonomy Menu works fine with this localization "feature" so if any developer/site admin has solved that please post a solution here.

Thanks, Sergej

Schedule front page

I'm working on a new module for scheduling the home page. I manage a small newsletter that updates every week and I hate having to remember to go into "settings" and change the front page node. So... using 4.7 beta4 I started work on a module for scheduling the home page. One thing that I really like about the 4.7 code base is the use of form generation.

checkboxes default value ( new form api)

am i correct in thinking that to give non-standard default values to a set of checkboxes, i just need to pass into the #default option an array of checkbox_key => default_value_desired?


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