This post: discusses the need for this type of module. Though I only just saw it today. Thought I would post a similar module I have been working on as a new thread so as not to confuse the two.
The name of this module is bioesque (stolen from the bio module) and provides the ability to limit node posts to one per user and is configurable by type. To install - copy the code to your text editor, save as bioesque.module. create bioesque directory in your modules directory and upload file to the new directory.
Would appreciate and feedback or comments to see if folks like this. If so, can create a project for the module.
/* Implementation of hook_help...
function bioesque_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
// admin/modules description
$out = 'Provides the ability to limit node creation (authoring) to one node per user. This setting is configurable for each node type.';
return t($out);
case 'admin/help#bioesque':
// admin/help - overall
$out = '
This module provides the ability to limit node creation (authoring) to one node per user. This setting is configurable for each node type.
$out .= 'Content Type (node type) Workflow';
$out .= '
The setting is made in the node workflow at admin » content » configure » content types.