This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Is there a way to integrate PHPMychat into Drupal 4.7 beta 5?

Hi fellows

Is there a way to integrate PHPMychat into Drupal 4.7 beta 5?

I have already looked for in this site and on the internet, however I haven't found anything at all.

Someone knows wheter is possible or not?


file, file_revisions and the list column


I'm just after some quick clarification of the file tables. Specifically I'd like to know how the revisioning system comes into play when showing the attachment on a page. It's the file_revisions table that seems to control if a file is listed, but I cant seem to find an explanation as to how it works. I've even checked upload.module for comments.

It appears that if file_revisions.list == 0 then the file isn't displayed. But if it's anything else (like 1, 2, 10 or 46 etc), it is.

Any hints?


New module idea - limit node posts to one per user

This post: discusses the need for this type of module. Though I only just saw it today. Thought I would post a similar module I have been working on as a new thread so as not to confuse the two.

The name of this module is bioesque (stolen from the bio module) and provides the ability to limit node posts to one per user and is configurable by type. To install - copy the code to your text editor, save as bioesque.module. create bioesque directory in your modules directory and upload file to the new directory.

Would appreciate and feedback or comments to see if folks like this. If so, can create a project for the module.

/* Implementation of hook_help...
function bioesque_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
// admin/modules description
$out = 'Provides the ability to limit node creation (authoring) to one node per user. This setting is configurable for each node type.';
return t($out);
case 'admin/help#bioesque':
// admin/help - overall
$out = '

This module provides the ability to limit node creation (authoring) to one node per user. This setting is configurable for each node type.


$out .= 'Content Type (node type) Workflow';
$out .= '

The setting is made in the node workflow at admin » content » configure » content types.

Restrict forum module to authenticated users


I'd like to restrict access to the forums on my site to authenticated users (i.e., they are private forums for a course). The forum module doesn't have an "access forums" premission in the access control listings, so following the module development tutorial I modified the forum.module code to


Ok, so here is my fourth question of the morning already: Do any of you know of a datalog module? If not, could one of you hobbysts out there make a simple one for me?

Thank You,

Tabbed Comments

Hi Folks,

not sure where to put this question in the forums, but here goes.

I'm jus getting into Drupal, and it seems both versatile and powerful, as well as scalable. It fits almost all of my needs but I am wondering if someone can give me an idea of the difficulty in setting up comments such that they appear as a tab on a node, much like the discussions tab on mediawiki sites. The reason for this is mainly aesthetic, but for me it is important to let the content be the primary focus.


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