This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

How to create multiple nodes at the same time?

I would like to create multiple nodes from a single form in a module. All the "hooks" seem to be for the single node that is getting created. I can't find any documentation or examples to assist.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks !

Path Access Problem

I installed the Path_access module and restricted one page on my site, now, for some reason when i am not logged in and try to go to the home page i am getting a fatal error... need help desperately.

statistics_details: new module

A new module that squeezes some more information out of the accesslog table.

It adds a new page 'usage' under admin/logs that shows visitors/node views/page views for the last 24 hours/last 30 days/last 16 weeks and total visitors/node views/page views for the days of week and hours of the day. The naked numbers are accompanied by simple bars to visualize the usage of your site.

Node Access Question

First let me say that I've read the module developers handbook, but overall, I'm new to Drupal development. This is my first module. I want to know if there is a hook in the module that cann be used to grant to deny access to every type of node. I know by default, the modules node_access() hook can be used for the type of content they provide, but can that be changed to grant access to all types of nodes (of course, with the node type passed in). If this is possible, any pointers to existing code would be greatly appreciated.

Module Idea.

I am not sure if this is the proper forum choice to be asking this question, but I have faith that the moderators will put it where it goes if not.

I am working on a drupal website and I need a US map block. where a person can click on a state and be brought to a page with updates about what is going on there.

IE you click on maine and you will see a copy of the Index page but stating that it is about maine and it will have its own event calender, forum etc....

Any ideas?

Thanks alot


Flexinode image validation

i've already posted this as a bug/issue in the flexinode project area, but i was wondering if anyone else has had this probelm as well.

I have a flexinode image field, which works brilliantly when the image specifications are met. ie. it's the right width, height and filesize.

If the specifications are NOT met it correctly flags it up and produces the correct 'error' message.
ie. The uploaded image is too large; the maximum dimensions are 100x100 pixels.


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