says: Every set of local tasks should provide one "default" task, that links to the same path as its parent when clicked.
I have a list of services displayed on a page, and when one service is clicked the user gets presented with a set of tabs under which they may modify different items. I do want one 'default' task which will be the tab which is selected by default (ie the first tab). I do not, however, want it to link to the parent, which is the service list - that makes no sense to my interface, where the service list is a link in the Navigation Block already.
I have tried to make all three tab items 'type' values into MENU_LOCAL_TASK but then the first one behaves the same as a MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK: It links back to the service list instead of linking to the 'url' I entered in the array in hook_menu. So the user cannot return to the first tab once he has visited the second tab; he needs to select the service again from the list.
How can I disable this 'default' tab behaviour, or work around it to force all three of my tabs to point to their 'url's as defined in the hook_menu function?
$links[] = array('path' => 'services/'.$q[1].'/edit/basic',
'title' => t('Basic'),
'callback' => 'edit_basic',
//'access' => TRUE,