This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

which module I have to use for downloading paid content?


I have a question: there are two modules out there which support ecommerce stuff - the paypal framework + paypal subscription modules and the e-commerce thing.

functions I want to cover:

1. paypal payment
2. after buying via paypal the user can download a pdf file
3. after buying, the pdf should be available for the user, if he is a registered user
4. if he is not a registered user, he can still buy the pdf, but after login the pdf is not available for him

How do i get a module to put some HTML in my page?

Maybe this is not the right question - so i will likely end up posting this a couple times here.

What do i do to have a module put a piece HTML code ONCE into my page ?

I was trying to use hook_nodeapi which sort of works.. except that my page has 3 nodes on it.. therefore it was doing this 3 times... which in FF it didn't seem to be an issue (not sure why not.. likely it was doing it but other 2 copies were buried).. but they show up in IE.

Hacker Henry... Needs some Help. "An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator."

Hi - Working in 4.7, upgrading some modules in my site.

I have a multi-select box, that seems to be throwing the newly updated:
"An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator."

Error message being discussed in this issues post a couple weeks ago, I must be the "hacker henry" mentioned in the post :)

I have narrowed it down to this multi-select box, if a user tries to submit without having made a selection.

AJAX Showcase Module

Just been at Drupal for a while and thought i would try designing my first module.

I had this idea of a "showcase" on another non-CMS site i did - and since i am moving that site over to Drupal figured i should give it a shot.

to start with ... check it out at:

the SHOWCASE part hopefully is obvious - the porttion in my header that cycles through various blurbs on different technologies.

a little bit about it... in case anone is interested...

how do i get nodeapi to process only once ??

Maybe this is not the right question - so i wil llikely end up posting this a couple times here.

What do i do to have a module put a piece HTML code ONCE into my page ?

I was trying to use hook_nodeapi which sort of works.. except that my page has 3 nodes on it.. therefore it was doing this 3 times... which in FF it didn't seem to be an issue (not sure why not.. likely it was doing it but other 2 copies were buried).. but they show up in IE.

node id in node_head

Hi all, I'm rewriting the spellcheck module for 4.7 CVS.
I'm trying to use $node-nid in hook_head, but I'm not getting anything.

I've tried:
function spellcheck_head() {
global $node;
echo 'w' . $node->nid . 'bw'

which echoes 'wbw' and I've tried the same thing without the global $node and go the same thing.

Is it possible to use any $node values in hook_head? Thanks.


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