This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

How do I swithc theme via my module code?

How do I swithc theme via my module code?

Page module and custom theme

I just created my first page module.
But I need to use the completely different page layout for pages generated by the module.
How do I output content from the module via custom theme, not default one?

warning: Missing argument 1 for mymodule_help() - help needed

I am completely stuck, thanks for any help.
using the drupal CVS head from about 2/25 (4.7 of course)

with a simple module named "iquote" , I get this error message:
warning: Missing argument 1 for iquote_help(). and the page never finishes, instead I get "array" - so somehow a reference is confused with an array or vice versa, or maybe its all voodoo.

whats happening is the hook_help function is being called twice. The first time with a path in $section, and the second time with an empty $section. Other modules dont have this problem, just mine.

SMF forum intergration

Has anybody been able to intergrate the SMF forums?

module developers... please help

Hi all, I'm trying to create a module that will do the following task (for 4.7)

(1) when a node is created/edited, create a radio button on the editting/adding page.
(2) if the radio button is selected, extract the body's text and process it in some way

Which hooks do I need to look at? Any pointer?

Thanks alot.

Convention / Conference Scheduler anyone?

Thought I'd checkin to see if anyone has a "convention / conference" scheduling module in the works? What I am looking for is something that will hande:


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