This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Filemanager Module


Calling me a newbie, would be a compliment. Anyway, I am trying to install the filemanager module so I can then install the acid free module, can anyone give me direction on how to do the following:

This module requires an additional table to store file information. I
have supplied scripts for creating a mysql table. This table can be created
using following command:

mysql -u {userid} -p {drupaldatabase} < filemanager.mysql

Changing order of steps while checkout on Paid Subscriptions

Hi People:
I'm making several projects with Drupal and I have a problem dealing with Paid Subscriptions or Memberships. Usually if you use the E-Commerce module and enable Recurring Payment your problem is solved. It works fine with PayPal and The problem I'm having is that we need to change the order of events on checkout.
On my website I'm selling memberships and products like cds and clothing. Only subscribed users that already bought a membership are able to buy cds and clothing but I need that any visitor is able to buy memberships.
So.. now the process to buy a membership is as follows :
- A membership is selected and placed in the shopping cart.
- When checkout is selected the system asks for a username and email
- An email is sent with password info
- The client loggs in and finishes the checkout process using either or any other payment method. Billing and personal info is asked after loggin.

I need ...
- A membership is selected and placed in the shopping cart.
- User information is asked (name, phone numbers, email, billing address etc.)
- Payment method is selected
- Once payment is completed and verified then the email is sent with password and other info.

I already tried to find a module or something similar to this but I was unable to find it here at Drupal. This changes can be extremely usefull for websites selling memberships or services and this will avoid having people not finishing their transactions because of payment failures or because they don't finish the checkout process after the email is sent.

Static Pages vs Modules


Post new forum topic.


After setting up Forum from administer-forum, then I start to test posting forum topic, however, I notice there are only subject box and body context, user have no choice where the new post ahould be, i.e. dropdown box for list of Forum containers or forums is missing, can anyone give me a hint?

Mail in payment for EC.mod

Hello all,

I am currently setting up a drupal site that is running the ecommerce.module. Everything on it seems to be working fine except the website wishes to take paypal (which is setup already) AND a mail in payment of a cheque or something along those lines. I saw there was a cod payment mod, is there a way to alter that to turn it into a mail in payment module? All it really has to be able to do is say where to mail in the cheque and who to make it out to.

If anyone has any ideas for this please let me know.

Thanks in advance,

calling module_invoke vs. function & references

What or where are the rules which refine whether I can call a function in another module or call it via module_invoke? Also does module_invoke allow variable references to be passed to the invoke module, which is to say changed in the module invoking the other module?


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