This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

FeedBack Bug!

I have problems with the feedback module. The spammers can use the mail server in the Drupal webpage with the following line in the body of the message (in feedback form):

easy question - pulling specific profile field info out

This seems like it should be pretty easy but my knowledge of php is so very limited, so here goes...

I have a module that is basically adding one line to the end of blog nodes, which works fine in itself. But I need it to pull a specific profile field from the author of the node.

First, I need to define who the author of the node is, and then take a profile field based on that.

I could just use a nudge in the right direction, since everything I try seems to fail miserably.

Any help would be awsomeness.

how to have module write JS variable?

REALLY ANNOYING that the forum posts dump your post cuz you added something it didn't like... but i'll try again...


I am trying to have a module add a VAR so that my JS code can access it. I thought perhaps drupal_to_js sounded like the right thing - but it doesn't seem to do anything.

anyone know how to do this?

alternatively.. simply some way to add text string to < h e a d> would be useable as well.

if drupal_to_js is the right thing to use here; can some point me to an example?

i tried the obvious

Did the moderation queue module used to come standard?

Did the moderation queue module used to come standard?

losing my mind! gonna take a toenail clipper to my teeth!

I'm just about ready to take a toenail clipper to my teeth over this simple problem -- please help.
I have some extra fields added to the node form .. and i am able to load and save and update this data just fine. What i need to do now is actually output the data ( in a table ) . I've made a node-forum.tpl.php template .. and i now i just need to add my output into this somehow and i am done.

Need application built - will tip for solution (Watchdog)

I'm trying to develop a tool that will query recent forum posts for specified keywords... and depending on the keyword - will email a specified recipient about the post.

Basically I just need a simple interface to enter a list of keywords and an email address that will receive updates when those keywords are used. I will need the ability to add multiple email addresses (one for each group of keywords) and would like to email a simple message saying something like:

"Your keyword * was used recently on the following page *"


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