This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Question about article module

Hi there!
I wanted to know what´s the difference between creating a page or a story, vs. creating an article.
I´ve read the article module documentation, and installed it, but still don´t get its usefulness, or let´s say the difference.
It seems useful, but in the very same way that a story or maybe a page could be.

Please, if someone could explain a bit more about that module I would be very grateful.



Howto: modify g2_filter so that it includes rel="lightbox"

I know this is a long shot, but I just can't seem to figure it out on my own. I would like to modify the g2_filter that comes with the gallery module, so that the links to pictures have rel="lightbox" in them.

If you have heard of the lightbox.js script you know what I want to do. I was able to use this customization to use it in my albums section, but I would like to be able to use it on my blog pages.

Request module: Newsclip

Hey folks,

I'm not really able to write modules myself, but I could really do with a module which creates news clips.

I've learned enough to know that the concept is feasible and probably can be written really quickly, so I would appreciate if anyone can dish this out.

newsclip.module: Description

Pretty much the standard 'story.module' but with two extra fields which means that the clips would have to have their own DB entry.

extra field 1: Link to original article
extra field 2: Link to article's image (possibly an optional upload field?)

Private file download per users

I need to manage a lot of files in a drupal website: every user registered in the site should have a personal page with his own private files. Those files should not be downloaded from different users than the owner.

First I've tried to use the "bookmarks" module for manage the file list, but in this way, there is no security: everyone can download all files. So I have tro find another way to resolv this problem... I've looked in the forums and in the drupal docs, but I've found nothing.

Who can help me?

Thanks a lot!

Autocomplete taxonomy search/filter


I don't think the following should be too difficult to implement, given its built into the core potentially.

Basically, how would I go about creating an autocompleting 'tag search' form, like a search box?

This would help users avoid having to browse a long page of taxonomy terms. They could simply start to type in a possible term and if its there it will offer it (in exactly the same way the current form does for creating new node types with free tagging).

How can I get the node ID in a filter module?

How can I get the node ID, that will be post after the filter processing $text ,in a filter module?

Thanks a lot.


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