This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

4.6 E-Commerce and multiple levels of paid subscriptions

Okay, so this will be the home of the project to bring multi-level paid subscriptions with automatic Paypal recurring debits.

Here are our project requirements.

(This is just a kickstart to the discussion)

(From a discussion with ae2005)

  1. 4.6<\li>
  2. automatic recurring debits via Paypal's recurring subscriptions function<\li>
  3. ability to also use ecommerce module simultaneously (After debating the pros and cons, I personally think it'd be best to make it a contrib module to ecommerce, because I expect that they will support that module through all future releases) There are people on the thread who want it to not require ecommerce. what are your thoughts?<\li>
  4. ability to still sell subscriptions via a one-time item paypal button (because that button will accept credit cards from people without a paypal account, whereas paypal's recurring subscription feature requries a paypal account)<\li>
  5. more than one type of subscription (unlimited would be great.)<\li>
  6. automatic removal upon expiration via cron<\li>
  7. automatic upgrade to correct role before cron is run (ecommerce does this now, but not for multiple roles)<\li>
  8. abililty to add people manually (e.g. people who mail in a check.) I believe ecommerce can do this currently via the cod module, but I haven't tested it.<\li>
  9. correct timezones. (right now for paypal subscription to work I have to set timezones to gmt and disable local timezones.)<\li>

Subscription Module Idea/Question...

Hell all, first time poster here. I really am enjoying experimenting with Drupal, glad I stumbled across it.

I've been thinking of a way to simulate subscription content, such as a My Yahoo service, through Drupal. If there is a module already like this let me know as I may have overlooked it.

I've asked a few people and they have said it is pretty much impossible without tons of bandwidth and hardware driving the engine. It may be my ignorance, but I don't buy it.

Here's the idea:

Utilize RSS that loads into modules in the content area of the site.

Here's how it is working in my head:

The way I see it, if categories on the site in question are already rss feeds, you can link them and display them back on your own site, just in the order that the user wants. This way you can load user-specific content.

The user gets to go through a checkbox menu, selecting to subscribe to different content. This subscription form would generate a small php file used to pass the link variables to the module, dictating what is loaded for the user.

This would allow users to select specific topics of interest or authors, or pretty much anything, to be delivered to their specific subscriptions page.

Please tell me if this is feasible or not. I know enough to understand (mostly) how to pass variables from place to place and to create a file and load variables from said file, but not enough to handcode this all to try it out. Not yet anyways. I'd really like to devote some time to this project, but I want to get the opinions of some coders/drupal gurus first.

incorrect taxonomy_menu page when switching languages through i18n block (internationalization)

I have already searched all of, as weel as Reyeros site, and google, trying to find a patch so taxonomy_menu works with i18n (or the other way around).

The problem is: when changing languages from i18n block, while displying a taxonomy_menu page for a term in one language, does not bring the taxonomy_menu page for the translated term.

Instead, the same taxonomy_menu page is called, but because its terms ID are for the prior language and not the language just selected, no content is displayed and a not-found message is displayed.

When the normal taxonomy/term pages are used, the i18n block processes the taxonomy/term/xx url and the link in the block is for the translated taxonomy/term/yy page. It seems that the block is aware of taxonomy/term/xx->yy, but this processing in the block does not occur for taxonomy_menu.

I noticed that taxonomy_menu uses a different syntax than taxonomy/term (/aa/bb/cc instead of just cc) and because of this complexity I could not make any progress in my attempt to patch i18n block. (If the syntax was similar, this could be done with an extra "if .... /taxonomy/term/id else ..../taxonomy_menu/id")

I have tried a workaround with alt urls. For example:
These are the two taxonomy_menu pages that needed to be switched through i18n block:
pt/taxonomy_menu/5/28 (term in Portuguese)
en/taxonomy_menu/5/25 (same term but in English)

extend term add/edit form? any _termapi hook?

Is it possible to extend taxonomy term edit/create form, like _nodeapi does? Is there any _termapi hook available? Or do I need to hardcode what I need?

How to implement lightbox.js with drupal node images + image.module?

I am not sure anyone played around with the lightbox.js

the js source (to be downloaded and put into drupal/scripts or /files

this is the .js include to go to the page.tpl.php
script type="text/javascript" src="lightbox.js

WEBform module field id problems

I just started working with webform for drupal, and it works fine.

But there is one small problem,

I have a form, where people can register products for repairs. For example:

- Model name
- serial

- Model name
- serial

Product 1/2 are labels.
Model name / Serial are textfields.

The Problem is, the name of de textfield is used as id of the textfield. So if i fill in this form. Product 2 model name will overwrite product 1 model name because they have the same id.


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