This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

captcha's and contact form submissions

Are there any contact form modules, or form-creator modules that have captchas? My site contact forms are getting spammed, and I suppose I'm prob going to have to require an account but I really don't want to do that. I'd rather allow anonymous users to post feedback with a captcha thing in the form. Is there a way to add that to every node even??


4.7 meta description

I know there is big discussion about meta tags... but is there way to add meta tags and description to 4.7?

4.7 Forms API. HDI modify input during 'Preview' phase.

In the context of trying to find documentation for the 'prepare' phase of node form editing, I'm stuck.

I'm trying to upgrade the HTML Tidy module (Which appears to be abandoned, so I'm gonna comandeer it)

I've done a 4.6 version which validates and corrects users input BEFORE it gets saved in the database, not after (like most of the filters do).
I just don't want invalid HTML to make it into the system.

nodeapi $op = 'fields'

I am having problems understanding something.. i fear it might be important.

when would i use nodeapi $op = fields.. and what would it give me?

i have read things like :

'fields' is used to
add extra db-fields to be saved together with the node, before its
really stored.

but what does that mean exactly?

Mailman integration

Has anyone integrated mailman or some other mailing list application?
I need to find a way to create a block where users can sign up for a mailing list, and once they have signed up, have that block not appear.
Done before?

4.7 E-Commerce: Products that do not show price and do not end up with payment page

The generic module (a sub-module of E-Commerce) simply uses:

case 'is_shippable':
   return false;

to get rid of things to do with shipping. However, it seems the equivalent code does not exist for hiding prices.

(1) How is it possible to 'hide' the prices of products? That is, the price input field should not be mandatory, and there should be an option for hiding/showing the price.

(2) How is it possible to skip the payment step in the checkout process?


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