This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

New module: courselist

I'm attempting my first module (for 4.6). I was a little confused by the module-building tutorial, but I went through the whole thing and am now going to give it a try and see if I can make it work.

I'm making a web site that needs to have a list of courses on a page. The courses will belong to programs. I am picturing a form where the user can type in the form information, and check boxes next to each program that the course belongs to. So if the course counts as credit towards program3 and program5, the admin can check the relevant checkboxes -- that is why those program fields are boolean.

The course list will be sortable by column. When the name of the course is clicked on, it will take the user to a page about that course.

Can anyone offer any advice if I am going about this the right way? I'm looking at other modules and trying to modify what I find there. Is the nid the correct primary key to use?


CREATE TABLE courselist (
nid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
course_start date NOT NULL,
course_end date NOT NULL,
course_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
city varchar(35),
state_region varchar(30),
country varchar(30),
link_title varchar(30),
page_url varchar(50),
program1 boolean,
program2 boolean,
program3 boolean,
program4 boolean,
program5 boolean,
program6 boolean,
program7 boolean,
program8 boolean,

Page navigation overlapped in image galleries

Does anyone know how to move the page navigation (1,2,3,next,last,etc) on the bottom of the image galleries pages further down the page? My pictures are overlapping the text. I only have 8 pics per page, and even 6 will still do it.

Thanks a mil,

img_assist conflict with tinymce?

I have been having problems with images placed using img_assist where the node-link back to the source is consistently corrupted and the word "node" is changed to "../../ " whenever the text is subsequently edited with tinymice.

does anyone know what settings in tinymice could cause this. I've been tinkering with various settings and only managed to get the images to stop appearing at all.

a perhaps related diffiuclty is some sort of corruption where the image node itself seems to forget the links back to the pthumbnail size image created by the image module.

Q: image_scale not working w/ GD library installed

I am currently using the image_scale function to resize images on my flexinode. It was working perfect on my old server, however, I just moved everything over to a new server and it does not seem to be working anymore. I have the GD library installed on the server but this is still not working.

Does anybody have any ideas on what could be wrong?


TinyMCE 2 and Drupal


can I use higher version of TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor with the TinyMCE Drupal plugin than the promoted 1.44 version???

Thx for the answer,

Howto Write a Filter Documentation

Is there any documentation anywhere on how to write a filter?

If there is, can you point me in the right direction? Thank you.

Yes, I searched first :)


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