This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

Use Taxonomy or Make my own table?


I am interested in creating a module that will include a new node type. This node will basically be the same as a story except will have many extra attributes to define it (think dozens of checkboxes, radio buttons, drop down menus, etc.) and maybe an extra textfield.

It sounds as though the module will need an extra database table to hold the textfield, but what would the advantages/disadvantages to using taxonomy to keep track of the attributes be rather than just using my own table?

Captcha help

Can someone please help me with setting up the captcha module?
My problem is that I have downloaded it and installed it sucsessfully, but when I add a /fonts directory, and I in the settings I specify /fonts as my dircory for fonts, it doesn't work. An image of what the system says it here:

Schedule.module and Version 4.7 Beta 5

Hi *,

can anyone help me getting the schedule.module to work with the current Drupal 4.7 Beta 5? It seems that the module needs the to work. Where can I get it? How do I add to my Drupal-System?

Or is there any other way to get the things done like the schedule.module would do it?

Thanks for any help!


another simple page module that doesn't work

I am trying to cut and paste the examples to create a module. ver 4.7 HEAD
I did register the module.
What am I missing here?

help with installing Discnode module

I Am Having Trouble Installing The Discnode Module Because Of The Various File Extentions

[edit. I removed the H1 tag and edited the subject to be more truthful. chx]

I am having trouble installing a module

I might have posted this already and forgotton, but can someone tell me how to install a module?


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