This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

How Does One Apply a Patch?

I am trying to install the module ACIDFREE. In order for this to work, I must install the FILEMANAGER module, which I have done.

I have loaded both SQL files, however, the ACIDFREE documentation states that I have to:

"Apply the filemanager-private.patch to the latest filemanager.module"

How do I do this?

Thanks for your help.

basicgallery module

When I moved our site to Drupal 4.6, I noticed that some gallery-related
functionality in the image module was removed or had been left out in a rewrite.
Most important thing I missed were the 'previous' and 'next' links.
Later on I also noticed image weights were missing.

After researching a bit, I saw some posts saying that the image module is being stripped,
so that it will only facilitate creation and viewing of image nodes. Image gallery functionality
would then go in other modules. So I started searching for a replacement gallery module.
There were several options :

  • acidfree
    Couldn't get this to work and even if I did, would it have img_assist integration ?
  • album
    Didn't want to move to folksonomy. I like a hierarchical structure of my albums !
  • shazamgallery
    From the description, it seemed too experimental and didn't contain what I needed.
  • gallery
    I really want my galleries to be based on taxonomy and image nodes.
  • write a new module
    That's what I did.

Path error when choosing Mode=popup in fckeditor

when i used Mode="Pop up window" and skin="office 2003" in fckeditor settings, and tried to use it, it is not showing any icon in top bar, and giving error in log as:

/drupal/modules/fckeditor/lib/editor/modules/fckeditor/lib/editor/skins/office2003/toolbar/about.gif not found.

please correct it.


Anyone working on a module that displays CiviCRM contacts in nodes?

I am just curious if anyone is working on this? Right now Drupal doesn't seem to offer this sort of flexibility in dealing with CiviCRM: showing contacts in nodes (at least for someone who is a dunderhead with php). I've been looking over the CiviCRM APIs and have made attempts with code snippets to inject contacts into nodes, and it does work (of course), but there are a lot of variables to worry about: how to include only certain fields and how to display this data in a digestable, user-friendly format.

Vocabularies views in 4.7 version

Will Taxonomy Redirect module have a same function of the Taxonomy Vocabulary module (which runs on version 4.6.*)?

I think the funcionality of Taxonomy Vocabulary module is absolutely necessary, but it isn't an "official" module to 4.6.x. and I don't know if the author is updating your code to 4.7.

Can someone knows about that? Thanks!


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