This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

change needed in listing

Hai all,

I need to display the page content in the home page in style. ie, I need to add an image with a description and should display the image and description in one row or in one line. I just tried with image gallery module. Successfully added contents, but failed with listing(description is displaying below the image). Understanding that I am not in a right way of using modules and assume there may be other module I should use.
Please could you help me.

Listing style required

Hai all,

I need to display the page content in the home page in style. ie, I need to add an image with a page and should display in one line. I just tried with image gallery module. Successfully added contents, but failed with listing. Understanding that I am not in a right way of using modules and assume there may be other module I should use.
Please could you help me.

Problems with Wiki Module

I am having trouble setting up the Wiki Module.I have enabled the module in the settings,but I still cant see Wiki in the menu.It was shown before once when I first installed it,but after that it just disappeared.I tried installing it back again and again but still no success.

Please help,I've been trying for a few days...

New Node Type or not?

So, when is it a good idea NOT to create a new node type? I'm working on a small project again with drupal and I am starting to wonder why it's such a great idea to make everything a node, especially since the entries in the node table could possibly end up with empty values for both title and description.

gallery module bread crumb broken

Hi to all!

I got gallery2 wprking with the drupal gallery modul.
Url rewriting seems to work as well.

But the bread crumb links from the gallery2 theme matrix don't work:

e.g. the url in the bread crumb navigation to get back to the top is
-> Error (ERROR_MISSING_OBJECT) : Parent 7 path gallery

Banner module installed. But is not working


I am just insatalled the banner module. I can add/edit the banners and is listed as well. Also view link is working fine. But it is not seeing in the front page. I had set the status as enabled. But the result is the same.

Please help me.



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