This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

block error


Out of the blue I started experiencing this error, and have no clue why, it is obviously a database error as I tried upgrading my implementation from 4.6.2-->4.6.5 so see if I could get rid of the errror, but no such luck.

The result of the error is that I can't see any of my blocks, including the admin block. If anyone has any help on this problem, I would greatly appreciate it.

files/theme_editor is not writable; can't be accessed; permission problem

All of a sudden, both of my sites don't display properly. Upon investigation, I found out that I cannot properly access the theme_editor module in particular files/theme_editor where my customized files are stored. When I try admin>theme_editor, it says that files/theme_editor is not writable. I see in my cPanel that the folder permission is 740. What should be the proper permission for this folder? I tried changing the permission, but can't. Has the folder been hacked?

print taxonomy terms in event list? taxonomy_node_get_terms?

I've been hacking the event.module theme file to bits and am very happy with the results so far.
The one thing that is sorely missing is taxonomy terms in the table view.

Is there a way to do this?
My experiments with "taxonomy_node_get_terms" only result in "Array" printing to the screen.
I'm willing to hack the module if necessary to get this to work. But, since the event module has it's own way of dealing with taxonomy for sorting and searches it is not obvious to me where i can implement this.

Thanks in advance for any pointers.

Date Picker Script for Events

How difficult would it be to add a data picker (little calendar) to the event module? Instead of using the multiple pull-down selectors to pick date and time for an event, the user would click on a little calendar and select the date graphically.



module has $node->path set on Firefox but not IE?

I am testing a module that I have developed & it works fine with Firefox but not in IE6.

I have tracked the bug down to the fact that $node->path is not being set when viewing a node with IE.

If I put a debug line in my module & then view the *same* node in Firefox and IE, this is what I get:

$output .= "path=" . $node->path . "<br/>";

Firefox result:

IE6 result:

module error


anyone out there is willing to help me ,i have just installed drupal,and have worked with themes,but under adminstrator when i click on moduls nothing comes up,can any1 out there tell me what should i do.....

help needed quick



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