This forum is for module development and code related questions, not general module support. For general support, use the Post installation forum.

know more about working of eccomerce module

we are a final year project group from pcce,and are developing a confernce website using drupal,we have thought of using the ecommerce module and were just wondering if anyone would assist us how to go about using the ecommerce module,need help soon,dead line is near 21st jan 2006.i wanted more information on the tables created by eccomerce module....

How do I ensure the modules I've developed work with Drupal's caching mechanism?

I've written a couple modules for a fairly busy site (about 3000 unique visits per day) with almost all users being anonymous. I'd like to make sure I've done everything correctly to ensure that Drupal's built-in caching works properly with these modules. However, I can't seem to find anything on working with the caching mechanism in the Module Developer's Guide. The cache table in the database appears to have entries for the nodes based on my modules, so things seem to be working, but I'd really like to be sure.

PHP+CSS Dynamic Text Replacement

I took a sample Php code for doing dynamic text replacement and made a module for Drupal.

Here is the original code:

It works really nice since you don't have to change your content to use it. All you have to do is enable the module and all your headings turn into nice looking images.

Unfortunatelly you also have to make some modifications to your template to use it. Just a few lines in the template.php

Clean URL Working - but need additional mod rewrite - will tip for the right solution!


My Clean URL is installed and is working fine but I have a search page that i'm passing parameters through (in the URL) that needs to be cleaned up...

My URL currently looks like: ".../search_real_estate?City=A&Bedrooms=B&Bathrooms=C&Min=D&Max=E" (where A through E are the variables that i'm passing)

Is it possible to ammend the .htaccess with a rewrite rule that will not mess up Drupal's Clean URL functionality, and will make my urls into something like this:

Voting Module Erro


I've installed the Voting module (with the flash stars) but when i try to vote, it says me a little Error on top of stars and no vote is registered in database...

Could you help me please ??


Img_assist, I have done something wrong, but what!

I have two sites, one at home with LAMP and Drupal and one site at a webbhotell. I am using Image assist at both sites and all has worked well.


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