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I'm writing a module to add permission codes to the user registration page. So far I've been able to inject my textfield, and reject the registration if the code is invalid, but if the code is OK I get a SQL error.
The problem is that drupal is trying to insert to a field in the user table named '0'. This brings to light two issues:
1) I can't get my textfield to have the right name. It should be called 'pcode', and I can access $edit['pcode] as well as $user['pcode'] in the validate portion of hook_user, but it shows up as edit[0] in the HTML. Here's the code I'm using:
The Optimize database module is good but had few question reg it's usage. Does it run every time a cron runs? I had cron run every 5 mins so does this script runs for every 5 mins? If so does it increases server load? Can anyone explain
I would like to call the script at particular times say tiwce a day, how can i acheive this? the script optimizes particular tables, Instead i would like to optimize the entire database? Anyone who knows how to acheive these help me.
First of all i congrats for making this great package. I am new user of drupal, just installed it with civicrm integration on my server and trying to use it. I have a small question.
I want to add small pictures of every person in his/her contact/profile page, and i want to if it is possible. If possible how and if not then can somebody help me by developing a small patch for it.
I'm currently looking at the img_assist module to bring it over to 4.7 compliance. It currently has a link in to "add a new image" in the pop-up window. This brings up a new node/add page in that pop-up window. When the node is successfully submitted the page should redirect (drupal_goto()) back to the img_assist form.
I'm finding this very hard to achieve with the new node creation system in 4.7.
I really want to escape these lines at 1847 in node.module
I'm having issues getting the Delicious module to work. From what I can tell, it is supposed to allow me to create a connection to my list of links and load them on my site. That is, at least what I see happening at, which is cited at the demo in the Delicious module.
For whatever reason, I cannot get the links to load.
I am thinking of modifying the story module for a wiki implementation. The idea is to include more optional fields for the wiki writer to fill in, such as "summary", "references", and "related pages".
Is it possible to keep things simple by writing these new content into $node->body instead of creating additional databases? Something along the lines of first querying the "body" content from node, then combining these new fields with the output, and finally writing everything back to $node->body.